Genetic Children-Log 12- Enter Doctor Michael Brol...

emu leaned back in her chair, crossed her arms and spoke to the doctor.

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Genetic Children-Log 21 - Mythos.

emu spat out. "that will not be a problem miss emu, we actually have your lab here, as well as mr korm's lab and his star project."

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Genetic Children-Log 16- A T-84 and a busted Leg.

After stashing all this on his person, he stood up again with a groan, and walked over to the twisted body of emu. "emu? you alive?" he slowly bent down and nudged her.

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Genetic Children-Log 17- Wade's second deception

"emu in here be quiet." a few seconds later emu hobbled into the room, supporting herself on the door frame. "korm what's going on?"

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Genetic Children-Log 24 - The Wife to be.

Korm you will go with group 3 and emu you will stay here to answer a few questions." as he said this a group of guards quietly surrounded emu and instructed her to place her hands behind her back.


UNTITLED #18 ("K")

The emu's very busy day was only just beginning

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Genetic Children-Log 23 - Dreams come true too.

Korm had already started running, and emu was right behind him as the first guard rounded the corner. emu launched herself at the guard in an animalistic manner that reminded korm of tacita in his dream.

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Genetic Children-Log 08- There's been a problem!

"korm, the director and emu have requested you at emu's lab, apparently there is an ‘issue'." korm threw his legs over the side of the bed, the towel was still wrapped around his waist.

Genetic Children-Log 31- And you though I was dead....

emu relaxed just enough that the orderly relaxed his grip, then she struck.

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Genetic Children-Log 14- Korm visits the Ukraine.

emu nodded, and the guards, the doctor and all the noise in the room left. it was just emu and korm, the sound of their breathing could be heard, it was as if the whole hospital had been empty for years. "emu what is goin..."

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Genetic Children-Log 06- Enter Emu!

 â "well as i was saying, my name is emuishã©rã©, friends call me emu for short." korm's mouth must have fell open at this point, he knew that word emuishã©rã© was egyptian for kitten, and the shorted for emu, meant cat.

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Genetic Children-Log 36- The Soldiers Embrace.

Korm was shocked, emu was old. "emu." niel said. "yes korm. it's a long story." she had no reason to explain herself to niel. "on the day i was taken i was shot in the chest. to you that was only a few days ago.

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