Genetic Children-Log 23 - Dreams come true too.

Story by Korm on SoFurry

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#21 of Genetic Children

After ever so quietly sawing through one of the cuffs that held his hands, he started work on the

other one without moving too much. Emu was still unconscious at the time so he was working on

slowly, quietly freeing himself. He was sweating, almost panicking, while he was wondering if they

could see in from outside.

He had cut through both his bonds, and was working up the nerve to stand up, when there was a quiet

beep. The door was opening, he had less than one second to conceal the knife. A scientist dressed

in a long white lab coat walked in and approached Korm. As he got closer, Korm was laying still and

when he was next to the bed he pulled out a syringe and bent forward to tap its air bubbles out.

And as he bent forward to inject Korm, he sprang up and in a fraction of a second, he had the knife

to the scientists neck and was whispering in his ear.

Seconds later Korm was untied and the scientist was unconscious. Korm walked across the room and

unstrapped Emu. He gently shook her to try to wake her and then proceeded to the door. Both he and

Emu crept from the room using the scientists' security card, they moved quietly and quickly through

the darkened corridors, they followed their memories of the Lab, and moved down towards the armory


Once they reached the armory they tried the scientists card on the door.

They instantly regretted it. Alarms went off, every conceivable noise and light seemed to flood

Their senses as all the corridors were lit up.

"Shit!" Korm had already started running, and Emu was right behind him as the first guard rounded

the corner.

Emu launched herself at the guard in an animalistic manner that reminded Korm of Tacita in his

dream. In less than a second, and without more than a gasp from the guard he was dead. When Emu

came up, she handed Korm a pistol and took the guards small sub-machine gun, his card and his stun


They had to go, they had to leave project Mythos and the Director behind. They sprinted down the

corridors of the Lab towards the underground rail system, hoping to get to the X-Rail and then back

to the Lab.

They rounded a left turn, then a right turn, and then they ducked into a room as they heard several

sets of boots coming towards them. Korm crouched down and peaked around the bottom of the door


Four guards, all dressed in military uniforms with no name tags or rank badges all wearing big

black combat boots and sporting crew cut hair do's were crashing down the corridors two at a time,

one group moved up while the other covered, then the next leap frogged.

Korm motioned to Emu to pass him the SMG, and then he pulled the clip from the pistol and emptied

the bullets out into his hand. He rolled the nine pistol bullets out into the hallway and heard the

guards stop once they saw them. He strained his ears and listened to the creak of heavy leather

boots as they tried to sneak up the hallway.

Once he judged that one group had stopped, he listened for the second group waiting for them to be

in line with the other two men as they leap frogged down towards them. He heard the whisper of

cloth on cloth, and the creak of boots again, then he peaked and sprayed.

Three of them men went down before they even saw him, as the SMG unloaded its 25 round clip in just

a few seconds, the last guard was hit but not killed. Korm knew this because he could hear the man


The only thing he heard from Emu was an appreciative noise and a quiet 'ok' when he told her to

move up.

Three minutes later they were just outside the door that led to the X-rail system, and when they

opened it, it was like a dream come true.

In front of them stood thirty people, men and women, dressed in black outfits all wearing shiny

black face masks, all wielding the MP5-S machine guns, all ready to storm the false LAB, all lead

by a smiling man who only had to say one word.
