Genetic Children-Log 21 - Mythos.

Story by Korm on SoFurry

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Sorry about the long gap between posts, I've been working wayyyyyy too much to flex my creative yiff muscles. This is another short chapter, running, NAY sprinting towards Korm's future. Sorry there seems to be no tag for VERY SHORT.

Korm and Emu awoke at roughly the same time, Korm was tied down on an operating table , again. Korm looked foggily around the room and slowly realized he knew this room. It was a Lab room.

"Emu, which Lab were we headed to when we were attacked?"

"What do you mean which Lab, we were trying to get out of the Ukraine still." Korm shook his head, his dreams were starting to blur into his real life the details in them were popping up here as well.

"Sorry I must have been groggy still, I dreamed a little while I was out." As Korm recalled his dream, his heart filled with sorrow, but the rest of his body slowly filled with hatred towards Wade.

"Emu, if we get out of here, Wade has to die." Emu looked towards him, a confused but trusting look on her face, and then she nodded.


Both captives looked towards the door, as it crept open. A shiny black combat boot appeared, then the pressed crease of military dress pants, then, what they didn't want to see.

"Good Morning Korm, Emu, thought I would knock in case you were having a little chat." He said nodding while he worked across the room. The door had shut behind him, and no one else had entered.

"Korm, I hear you little 'project' for the Director is going very well, she is almost ready to be activated. The other project however, the one I tasked you with has not even started."

"Mr Korm, I will be keeping you here with me along with Miss Emu while, together, we modify this DIDM to match your special one Miss Emu."

"We can't just rebuild it, we would need access to the modified DIDM input system to remake this one." Emu spat out.

"That will not be a problem Miss Emu, we actually have your Lab here, as well as Mr Korm's Lab and his star project." Korm and Emu both let out a small surprised sound as the tinted windows un-tinted and they were given a view of their Labs, or what looked like their Labs, and in a central room, they could see the synth tank, the DIDM input system and the Director. He was bound and blindfolded in the center of the room on a bed similar to theirs, although, his bed had an IV attached to it.

Further into the room, past the empty synth tank suspended in a complex web of wires and tubes, visibly pulsing with energy, was Mythos. His project was out of the tank. She looked just like Tacita from his dreams.

She was only the size of a five year old human girl, but that was because she still had a few sessions in the synth tank to speed up her growth. They stopped the aging early on because it allowed the data input to go more smoothly.

"Mr Korm, I see that you are focusing on your project." Wade smiled cruelly and walked towards the door. As he did, the windows re-tinted and as he pulled open the door, the lights in the room went out plunging both captives into pure, deep, velvet blackness.