Fennecs are Short (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The gas station smelled strongly. She couldn't quite untangle the mess of odors, but the fennec was pretty sure that stale coffee, burnt hot dogs, cheap cigs, and some amount of milk were the prime constituents. She looked over the six pack of beers...

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Don't Drive Tired (Otherwise Untitled)

~ It had been a long day's travel, having driven well into the night before Kevin found himself staggering up the steps to his front door. Stifling a yawn, he was thankful he'd left the porch light on several days before. "Ugggghhhh... so ready for...

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Anxious Road Trip (Otherwise Untitled)

~ Cresting the hill into the still dim morning sun, the kobold sighed before reaching back to shake the phoenix sleeping in the back seat. "Hey, Char, you need to get in the trunk. I'll let you know when we're past this checkpoint coming up."

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Waiting for Rescue (Otherwise Untitled)

~ Brrrrzph. Doop. Doop. ~ A few seconds of silence. ~ Brrrrzph. Doop. Doop. ~ Additional seconds of silence. ~ Brrrrzph. Doop. Doop. ~ The alarm becomes louder. ~ Brrrrzph. Doop. Doop. ~ A hand groped haphazardly about the controls on the wall,...

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Road Trip (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The cockatiel bobbed his head to the music on the radio even as the static in the signal continued its slow rumble. It wouldn't be long before there wasn't any music left on this particular frequency as he and his passenger rolled down the interstate...


Corgi being Productive (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The corgi squirmed uncomfortably in his seat. The plastic molded furniture was not an improvement to his overall comfort, especially combined with the soft rumble of the machines that surrounded him. He never felt quite at ease amongst machines, and...


Before Commute (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The skunk's morning had been terrible. The alarm clock had been particularly grating with its reminder to become awake, the shower smelled faintly of watermelon for some reason, and his favorite shirt had fallen off of its hanger sometime in the...

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Tick tock at the Station (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The raven looked up from his watch with a soft whine. He couldn't remember if he had planned to be early, or if the badger had planned to be late.

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Cooking for the Parents (Otherwise Untitled)

~ Kevin glanced back and forth between the two potatoes arranged on the pantry shelf before him. He had been successful in stalling for time by serving his parents an appetizer of corn chips, pickles, and mustard. The task of a proper meal would be a...

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A lynx tries to explain (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The lynx blinked back tears, staring down at the plain gold band worn on their finger. The recently acquired ring was polished and naive, yet to accumulate the patina of scratches offered by life. ~ Declining to raise their gaze to meet their...


Badger seeks to fix it (Ferret and Badger part 4) (Otherwise Untitled)

~ Death glared down at the badger who's space suit had seen many better days. Various fluids were leaking from various slashes and punctures, some of which she presumed to be blood of the living. The badger glared right back up as the gryphon loomed...

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Things Eventually Break (Ferret and Badger part 3) (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The ferret woke up with a panic in her thoughts and a rough shuddering of her spacecraft. Alarms from the ship's computer kicked in as she was buckling her tool belt and tumbling down the hallway. Whatever had just broken was rapidly getting worse....

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