Badger seeks to fix it (Ferret and Badger part 4) (Otherwise Untitled)

Story by Moriar on SoFurry

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#29 of Short Stories

The badger tries to correct what went wrong on the ferret's ship.

~ Death glared down at the badger who's space suit had seen many better days. Various fluids were leaking from various slashes and punctures, some of which she presumed to be blood of the living. The badger glared right back up as the gryphon loomed twice her height above.

~ "How did you even get here? It's not your time.", the gryphon inquired with a frown of annoyance.

~ The badger's response was as brief as her stance was stubborn, "I'm here for my wife."

~ "You can't take her with you; you know this to be the way of things.", the gryphon patiently explained.

~ The badger lifted up the cold iron bat in her hand, pointing it at the hen. She replied simply with a low mustelid growl.

~ "And what would you do with that? Make me take myself to where, here?", fanning her wings as she shrunk to match the badger's size.

~ The bat's aim followed her descending height. "I'm not leaving without my wife."

~ The gryphon's frown became one of regret. "...some of that can be arranged, yes."