Don't Drive Tired (Otherwise Untitled)

Story by Moriar on SoFurry

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#38 of Short Stories

A fox made a mistake.

~ It had been a long day's travel, having driven well into the night before Kevin found himself staggering up the steps to his front door. Stifling a yawn, he was thankful he'd left the porch light on several days before. "Ugggghhhh... so ready for bed.", the fox vocally concluded.

~ "...I think I'll wait until morning to...", the tod's planning was interrupted when he noticed that his keys were not in his pocket. Automatically checking each other pocket in turn, it slowly dawned on him that his keys were not at hand. "..must.. h've left them in th' car...", turning about towards the car in only an approximate stumble of redirection. The fox was now thankful for the passenger window that never actually rolled up all the way and for having put off the repair for so long. It was while he was reacquiring his footing that he realized his car wasn't in the driveway. "Wait... wha..." This did not make sense, the vast puff of a tail twitching about anxiously behind him.

~ The fox descended into to confused panic, dropping his knees to start looking for his keys on the floor of his porch. As soon as the absence of his own expected shadow came to the fox's attention, which was more readily spotted than the absence of keys, a voice caught his attention.

~ "Excuse me", Kevin turned to listen as the frowning gryphon interjected, "This isn't your place of rest." He reached out for her offered hand.