Things Eventually Break (Ferret and Badger part 3) (Otherwise Untitled)

Story by Moriar on SoFurry

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#28 of Short Stories

Smuggling Ferret's ship has some sort of issue and cause for alarm.

~ The ferret woke up with a panic in her thoughts and a rough shuddering of her spacecraft. Alarms from the ship's computer kicked in as she was buckling her tool belt and tumbling down the hallway. Whatever had just broken was rapidly getting worse.

~ A coupling fracture would be tedious to repair, but she'd still be able to get the delivery into port on time. "I just welded that coupling last week!", she declared angrily at the problem she assumed to be at hand.

~ It was only a few more tumbles and a sprint before she found herself at the main terminal, the ship's status glowing in amber tones and creaking beams. The weasel gazed silently down at the indicators, dropping her spanner.

~ "Oh... my lovely badger, there's no fixing this..", she paused to glance up at the cracks forming in the primary structure above her. "I'm so sorry."