Cooking for the Parents (Otherwise Untitled)

Story by Moriar on SoFurry

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#31 of Short Stories

A kobold tries to piece together a meal for their parents' visit.

~ Kevin glanced back and forth between the two potatoes arranged on the pantry shelf before him. He had been successful in stalling for time by serving his parents an appetizer of corn chips, pickles, and mustard. The task of a proper meal would be a great deal simpler if he had remembered to acquire ingredients. To his left, the kobold regarded a slightly moldy potato. He gently prodded the right potato with a spoon, and it somewhat jiggled. This was not a desirable attribute in potatoes, from what that crow had explained that one time he got help cooking.

~ The water on the stove was rapidly approaching a boil, and the kobold needed to come to a decision for what to put into the soup. His parents had been as accomodating as they were confused by the corn chip casserole, but convincing them that he had become a responsible adult would call for something more elegant than self-melting potato. With a nod, the kobold decided to abandon the pantry, and seek relief from the refrigerator.

~ "Just a few more minutes, Mom. The water's boiling, just about."

~ With a silently muttered prayer, Kevin checked in the refrigerator for more promising wares. To his joy, he remembered and saw the fruits of the time that canned potatoes had gone on sale. Dinner was rescued, with several cans of potatoes gleaming softly in the illumination of the appliance's dim bulb. The kobold could barely contain his excitement, and only just refrained from dancing.

~ The trial of locating a can opener would soon be upon the kobold.