Speech 6. Rain

#7 of wise words/speeches -this is going to be real short, inspirational speech of what i think rain is. i might want to add this to a comic i will be making with some friends, gonna start in the 20th aug i think?- i love the rain.



This time around it's about a virus that turns folk into uwu-speaking null furries. (disclaimer, i am in favour of covid precautions in reality.)

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Speech 3. Perfection.

We try reaching a new level, we see that every single day of our lives. Phones, computers, music, science, and even humanity. We are creatures that can truly take joy in _trying_ to exceed our grasps, even if we know dead-well that it's impossible. But...

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I am the Storm

I am the Storm My path is always before me but it's never clear. I am a Pirate I am an Explorer I am a Guardian I am a Hunter The waves shall ever be my home Spirits of the ocean are my guides and my muse To me the siren sings...

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Speech 2. Inside The Life Of Fear.

Fear is not evil, it tells you what your weakness is. And once you find out what your weakness is, you will learn to accept them, learn from them, become stronger and kinder from them. But whats there to blame for fear? What exists to make fear exist?...

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Change in Venue- November

The president stops speaking for a moment to collect himself before speaking up again. "as are all of you i find myself very frustrated at our inability to prevent these incidences nor have we been able to find anyone who we can prove is responsible.

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Speech 4. The Fear Of Dying

This has turned out to be my longest and what i consider the most deepest speech. also, i love everyone's way of thinking! please comment on what you have to disagree with, and what you think was the greatest line(if you want, that is).

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The Dragon's Speech

To all those who are reading this Either if was just out of curiosity Or by mistake I promise I will not take much of your time For those who are suffering from past wounds Or those who are lost within their own hate Because of those who hurt...

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Cindre's Speech

"Oh shit.." "What." "Cindy.." I cannot be bought by your money. What good is your dead, dyed sheaf of tree husk to me. What difference does a bank account hold to an alien. I'm immune to your drugs, disinterested in your women. I hold no account of...

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Speech Practice

Well, i need some help rehearsing my speech for the conference tomorrow, and i'm glad to have you two as my audience." "like i said before, del, no problem." blitzen leaned into his brother. "yeah, so what's your speech all about?"

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Virgin speech

"are you seriously giving me the virgin speech?" nuru stopped, cut off in mid sentence. the other hyena woman in her bed was sitting up, naked, and giving her an angry look.


Poem: The message of an Otherkin to the World

Poem: The message of an Otherkin to the World Poem by Noiratblack All the gold, all the guns, all the toys, designed for those, willing to killing. All the grey, all the darkness, all these flashes, everyone stands for one men, senseless...

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