[Infosheet] Be-Reux-Sne

#1 of species infosheets be-reux-sne infosheet (licenced under creative commons by-nc-nd) -general description- be-reux-sne (short term: reux) are an aquatic species similar to a humanoid earth orca.


[Infosheet] Naisurian Squeaks

#3 of species infosheets naisurian squeaks infosheet -history- the naisiurian squeak (simple name: squeak. plural: squeaks) is a living, hollow doll made of pure latex.

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[Infosheet] Almegian Zelta Drakes

#2 of species infosheets almegian zelta drake infosheet -history- the almegian zelta drake (short form: azd) is a species found on the world of legecia.


The Kovarudia

#4 of species infosheets something i came up with while writing a story. the kovarudia are licensed under the creative commons by-sa license.

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The Bureau: Prologue

The start of a new story whose plot i came up with around the time i uploaded the psionic infosheet thing.

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