[Infosheet] Almegian Zelta Drakes

Story by reihanfeoru on SoFurry

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#2 of Species Infosheets

Almegian Zelta Drake Infosheet


The Almegian Zelta Drake (Short form: AZD) is a species found on the world of Legecia. According to Legecia history, the first of their kind was found by Prism Dragons, deep in the earth under Prism City Almeiga, in the hidden Temple of the Elements. They were given the designation "Almeigan" due to the nature of the temple, made on the Legecian concept of Almeiga (literally "All of the Elements Combined"). The name Zelta comes from the Z-shaped triangles that all of the species possess on their chests (literally, Z-Delta).

The "first drake", now known as Zelgeith (Zeh-geh-th), let them into the temple, where it was discovered that the entire building was converted into a massive city. Today, Zelta Drakes and Prism Dragons are considered "Blood Breathern", as they are the only species with absolute magical affinity to Almeiga. Both Prism City Almeiga and the Temple of the Elements are now connected via an underground roadway opposite of the entrance Naisura's Temple.

(Writer's note: The Legecian elements are as follows: Earth, Sky, Lightning, Fire, Water, Cold, Nature, Spirit, Mind, Love, Evil, Darkness, and Light. Additionally, the concept of "Omega" refers to "no element", or non-elemental damage.)

-Physical Description-

Zelta Drakes are typically between three and four meters tall (not including neck and tail length), are very sleek in build, and come in a wide variety of colors. In shape, they're much closer to wyverns. They possess long necks and tails that match the length of their core trunk. Their heads are extremely aerodynamic, and their faces are covered in a solid plate scale with a smoothness that rivals even the calmest water. They possess a pair of straight horns that connect to frills extending to their upper throat, which can act as a mana collection tool. They also possess a pair of webbed ears that that spread into a full semi-cirlce to collect sound from miles away in a single direction. Their eyes are large and wide, allowing them to see in dim areas, though they don't adjust to changes in light very quickly. Their noses aren't very sensitive, as a result of their living conditions. They have no physical brain, instead having melded it into their spirit.

The body varies, but tends to be on the lean side. Their internals consist of a pair of lungs, gastro-intestinal system, a natural anti-poison system, and two hearts. Each heart beats in rhythm, and while one pushes blood through a cariovascular system, the other pushes liquified mana through a second set of veins. They only require one of the two hearts to survive, but losing one leaves them in a weakened state. Also, all of their bones are armored and heard to break. The outer body is covered in smooth scales that are resistant to extreme pressure, as well as to heat and cold. They also possess a marking on the chest of two triangles that form a Z shape with their outline.

Their wingspan is always one and a half times (1.5x) their length. They possess tri-joint wings (shoulder to elbow, elbow to claw, claw to tip), with the claw joint possessing three digits (two "fingers" and a "thumb"). The white membrane of the wing extends from under the shoulder down to the waist, and are completely opaque. Zelta Drakes can whip up winds of 130 kph in self-defense, and can fly at 240 kph with little problem. The legs are long and slender,always digitigrade, and end with three-toed feet that have thick bone claws similar to that of a velociraptor. Their tail is long and slender, similar to that of a snake, and has a bulb at the end that opens up like a parachute, acting as an airbrake.

All Zelta Drakes are hermaprhodites (proper pronouns being "shi"/"she" and "hir"/"her"), possessing a single long cloaca that hold both their sexual organs and their anal opening. This cloaca is hidden in their scales, as no one observing them would be able to see it. The species possess two penises, with four internal testicals connected to them. Their vaginal opening is connected to a small womb, and contains ribbed walls that, if clenched, can lock almost any species in place until the drake relaxes. They do not urinate, and therefore only use their sexual organs for sex.

-Psychological Description-

Zelta Drakes are taught from the beginning that "all beings should be regarded with caution and respect until it can be determined if they are friend of foe." They are a cautious race, but very accepting. However, if betrayed, a drake will rarely forgive unless it's proven that the person did so accidentally, or if they actually didn't do anything.

They are taught the basics starting six months after hatching, and often begin to show a specialization as of two years. Their natural lifespan is between two hundred (200) and three hundred (300) years, and all knowledge they had obtained before death is often recorded into a magical crystal, which appears in the main hall. Their body will explode into pure mana if killed, returning to the temple to be turned into a new drake. There has yet to be a population of more than 10,000 Zelta Drakes at one time.

They do not like war or fighting, but can defend themselves to the extremes. Not only do they have access to a vast array of magic, they are the only species (outside of Altair Ezeri, a Prism Dragon) that can use the fatal Frequency Divide spell, literally tearing a living being's mana and soul from it's body. They then return the mana to Legecia, often to allow for the opponent to be reborn. Aside from their magic, they can use various elemental breath attacks, as well as their claws and wings.

(Writer's Note: Nelik Ezeri speculates that it is possible for a being killed with Frequency Divide to be reborn as a Zelta Drake, but comments that this has never been attempted.)

While holding no taboo to sex or sexual expreinces, Drakes only engage in recreational sex with those they trust. Additionally, they enter a monthly period of heat, always at the beginning of the month. This heat comes in both male and female versions, and it's rather easy to tell the difference: Those in male heat become extremely dominating, while those in female heat become extremely submissive. This lasts for one week, and any species can quell the need. However, eggs made from the seed of outsiders can produce hybrids rather easily, as female heat gives a one hundred percent (100%) chance of being impregnated by any species. These hybrids are never counted as part of the official population, and instead have their own numbers. This is not a form of racism, but rather to ensure that the number of pure-blooded drakes doesn't fall to low.

Morals and religion are always left to the individual, though laws forbidding murder and abuse do exist and are carried out by a council. However, there is no central government for such things. Instead, all members of the race are asked to participate in law creation. There is no concept of money, instead relying on the bartering of items and services for payments. Healthcare and education are basic rights, and always free to all who need it, no matter the species. There is no marriage, and they are unable to understand such a concept. Additionally, they are unable to understand the concept of "mates", as such a concept does not exist in their society.

Currently, only those befrended by drakes who have ventured to the outside, or friends of Prism Dragons, are able to enter the Temple of the Elements. This is because the only entrance to the city is in Prism City Almeiga, which can only be accessed by Prism Dragons, Zelta Drakes, or those who come with said species.

-Notable Members-

Zelgeith (The first drake met by Prism Dragons)

Altanus (A "blood sister" of Nelik Ezeri, son of the pleasure god Naisura)

Almeiga (A 10,000 year old Zelta Drake and headmistress of the School of elements. Said to be the embodiment of the concept of Almeiga itself)

Souka (The first hybrid child of a Zelta Drake and a Prism Dragon. Said to currently reside in Prism City Almegia.)