Data Sheet #1

1: The Civilization Rating System [CRS] is a fairly simple way of determining a civilization's advancement compared to others.The three numbers (XYZ) are divided as follows: X is the civilization's ability to work with time; 1 is the lowest and 5 is...


Konrad's Biography (Spoilers)

_"Do not linger, waiting for that which does not come. Time will move on, with or without you. You have to either catch up, or be left in the dust. Sometimes this means that you will have to leave your world behind. This is the burden of the time...


Vetraheil, time theories, and other information.

_"Perfection is imperfect. It is impossible to achieve perfection, and doing so would be a massive waste of your life. But we should strive towards perfection. If we try to come as close as possible to perfection while keeping in mind that perfection...

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Helastar's Biography (Spoilers)

_"When love is gone and all is lost, how do you find the strength to continue? Right now your life is all pain, but you must push through. Push through, until you once again see the light." Helastar, Session 85C-2, B9L112-5K9-6493_ * * * Feliday...

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