What are Candus pt. 1: Apperance

_What are Candus?_ Candus (short for Candusians) are a canine-like races that aren't really considered to be canine. They are considered the elven-like species of Chemerians (or the anthropomorphics.) This document will contain information...

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What are Candus pt. 2: Origins

What are Candus? by Kyle Kolander Candus (short for Candusians) are a canine-like races that aren't really considered to be canine. They are considered the elven-like species of Chemerians (or the anthropomorphics.) This document will contain...

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An Average Lunch Day

It was nearing noon at the St. Isidore hospital, the patients were being fed and small chunk of the staff were on their lunch break. One particular worker, whom had recently acquired the job as the Chief of Medicine as the old one was recently...

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That Tierrable Afternoon

That Tierrable Afternoon It was a typical afternoon in the suburbs of Zephyr. A bit hotter than it was in the large city than in this quiet residential area. A lone yellow lion was walking to his next-door neighbor's house after hearing some unusual...

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What are Candus pt. 3 Misc.

_What are Candus? Arroyo-River_ Candus (short for Candusians) are a canine-like races that aren't really considered to be canine. They are considered the elven-like species of Chemerians (or the anthropomorphics.) This document will contain...

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