
They called it a city that never woke. Enraptured in the eternal Dream, this city slumbered onwards, with only the conscious few monitoring the needs of the many. This was the Dreamscape. Monolithic machines rumbled ominously, a deep, guttural growl...

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The Run

I shiver. Not from the temperature. It is cool in the room, but not cold. I usually like it that way. My fur keeps me warm. If all the water hadn't been taken out of the pure oxygen I'd probably be sweating. They do that so there won't be any frost....

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_If you haven't read 'Prologue' in this series, you must know a few things... 1) Furries calling their creators (humans, died 272 years ago) an "Ancients" 2) They started an 'X' epoch and they are using " 'X'YYY, DD.MM. " date format (Y - year, D -...

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Those Who See Through Darkened Glass

**Those Who See Through Darkened Glass** The Agent was performing incredibly well. Sai sat, cross-legged, upon a white mat on the floor of a featureless white room. He watched, and waited, motionless save for the gentle rise and fall of his chest....

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Biohazard Chapter 1

_Welcome to Bio __tech Genos__ y __s! We are the world's_ _leading authority__ in_ _animal genetics and gene splicing. Thanks to these fields of science we_ _have cured humanity of hundreds of diseases with new ones being discovered every day! We are...

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Snapshots - The Final Frontier

_Author's note: It had to happen eventually. I began this with the intention of it being another 1k fic, but it quickly blossomed into something far too large to pare down without the story losing most of its structure. Regardless, I've kept it as part...

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Biohazard Chapter 4

Chapter Four * * * "Are you sure this is gonna work?" "You got a better idea?" Hanai sniffed and resumed her pacing back and forth across the small white room. They had arrived at one of the medical centers that had been marked for them and had...

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Skipping Out

"Gin," declared the raccoon, placing a card face down on the discard stack and facing his hand. He looked up at Captain Reinhardt, eyes dark and glistening in the characteristic black mask of fur that his genetic model line featured. The captain looked...

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03 - Rain always brings out the crazies...

Daylight languished under a planned seven-day rainstorm. The leaders of the city, through political and literal backstabbing, had managed to land the contract for a prestigious inter-city sporting event. There were to be parades and pageantry, in the...

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The Eternal Emperor

**The Eternal Emperor** by Winter "His Highness is getting along in years," said the dark-furred lupine Minister of the Second World, bowing deeply. "Space travel must be tiring for him. Does he not require rest before we move on?" ...

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Dreams of Refugium: Part Four

* * * ## # _Part Four_ Tear-filled honey-colored eyes with wide pupils stared down at Geren from a vulpine face framed with curly, amber hair. He couldn't immediately place them, though they seemed familiar. "Got him in time. Don't worry so,"...

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Song of the Space Finch part 1 of 4

Finches live on virtually every space ship, a new breed of pest. A new Captain upsets the balance and safety of the ship? Connections are important, find how the tiny finches connect, when they can't talk to Furs! Will their intolerance of each other...

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