Biohazard Chapter 1

Story by ShingetsuMoon on SoFurry

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#1 of Biohazard (Short Story)

The year is 2300 in a futuristic city known as Neo Veisa. Biotech Genosys is a medical company that basically rules or influences most of the world governments. Using animal DNA and gene splicing they have cured humanity of thousands of diseases. But no cure comes without side affects trouble is brewing between Biotech andthe those who are eager to see all of their secrets exposed. This short story focuses on Ally (full name Allyson) a human who is just trying to pay her bills and mind her own business, But her life is about to become a lot more complicated uncovers the secret of what happens to all those people Biotech isn't able to cure properly.

Welcome to Bio __tech Genos_ y s! We are the world's_ _leading authority in_ animal genetics and gene splicing. Thanks to these fields of science we have cured humanity of hundreds of diseases with new ones being discovered every day! We are pleased to announce that we can now offer a permanent cure to all forms of childhood cancer. As always treatment consists of 12 shots over a one year period and is only available in one of our approved clinics or hospitals. Payment and insurance plans are also offered with no credit checks.

Our treatments are very safe and available for all ages. You won't find that guarantee anywhere else! Our researchers are also completing a cure and preventative vaccine for dementia and alzheimer's. The release date will be announced in the next few months.

_ WARNING: If you notice minor changes in appearance, behavior, appetite, or heightened senses then please note that these are perfectly normal. If you begin to notice moderate changes in mood, behavior, appetite, or appearance then please take note of them and schedule an appointment with a _ Genos __y_ s physician at the earliest_ opportunity _._ If you experience major changes such as more animalistic behavior or thought patterns, development of fur_ , scales, elongated nails or claws, or the beginnings of extra appendages_ (such as a tail, wings, or feathers) then please get to a Genos __y_ s hospital IMMEDIATELY as these are signs of a serious genetic reaction._

Chapter One

Ally fidgeted in the uncomfortable plastic seat as the automated city bus turned onto the ramp and started to make the descent into the next tier level below them. Neon signs and glowing billboards were lined up all along the roadway. Most of them were for Biotech. The bus passed one level and then another with the ramp circling around several times before the bus exited and pulled onto a brightly lit highway.

More vehicles sped by with their passengers catching up on the news or sleeping as the car itself took over the driving. Everything was automated now from the vehicles to the roads themselves. Supposedly it was to cut down on accidents and congestion, but Ally had her doubts about that especially during rush hour times like this. Now matter how much they bragged about their "safe" highways the city buses in this area were still nearly twenty years old and smelled like mildew.

Five minutes later the bus turned off at an exit and headed away from the businesses and into the residential areas. There were mostly apartment buildings and occasionally a few grocery and tech stores along with bus dropoffs. What Ally needed though couldn't be found here around the lower tiers so she'd taken the public bus up to the higher section of Mids as most called it. Up there citizens were closer to the Top Level, which was where all of the rich people lived, so the city and local business were more high end. Ally could practically feel the disapproval coming off the locals when the lower level public bus had wheezed up to the drop off and she stepped out.

Thankfully this bus was in slightly better condition and operated far more smoothly. So smoothly in fact that Ally didn't know they had stopped until the Artificial Intelligence system spoke up.

Excuse me miss, but I believe we have reached your designated drop off location. Or did you have a different destination in mind today?

Snapping out of her daze, Ally gathered her bags and stood up.

"No, no this is fine I just got distracted," Ally said in response to the machine's question as she headed down the cramped aisle. The A.I. really didn't need an explanation but it was a habit that she had picked up from years of dealing with them. A lot of people ignored or just scoffed at the machines, but Ally couldn't help but respond even if the emotion they showed was just simulated.

"Thank you very much," Ally said as she slid past the computer console that controlled the bus. The door slid open and the steps lowered for her to get off.

Very well ma'am. Please have a safe trip home, the A.I. responded as she stepped out onto the sidewalk. With a soft hiss the doors closed and the bus silently pulled away.

Sighing Ally looked around and readjusted her bags. This wasn't the best neighborhood in the city but it certainly wasn't the worst either. Shaking herself out of her daze Ally moved around the covered bus drop off and slammed right into something.

"Hey careful!"

Make that someone.

Ally gasped and felt herself falling over, but rough hairy hands reached out and grabbed her arm to hold her up before she could fall down.

"Easy there. Are you okay?" a deep male voice asked letting go as Ally regained her balance and made sure she hadn't crushed anything in her grocery bags. Looking up she started to say a polite "thank you" but her breath caught in her throat when she saw who it was.

Otherkin, Ally grimaced and gripped her grocery bags tighter as the sight. The strange mix of both human and animal features never failed to creep her out. It was a grizzly bear specifically and a huge one at that. He was wearing a gray hoodie and blue jeans and looked at her with concern. His golden brown fur glowed under the street lights and he leaned forward a little to get a better look at her.

"Are you all right? I didn't see you there until it was too late. I hope I didn't damage anything," he said kindly and Ally merely swallowed hard and shook her head as her eyes went straight down to his paws. His giant claw tipped paws. It was a miracle he hadn't seriously hurt her as dangerous as those things looked.

"No. No I'm fine. Sorry I have to go," Ally said as an excuse and hurriedly moved around him and started back down the street towards her apartment at a fast walk. She was halfway down the block before she got up the courage to turn around and look back, but he was heading in the other direction with a large smartphone in his hand.

Otherkin was the name most people here in the city gave to those humans who had deliberately altered their appearance and taken on the characteristics of certain animals. They did it using the same technology that Biotech Genosys used for their cures. Cures that used animal DNA and gene splicing to treat just about every disease and problem you could think of. Only Biotech built gene limiters into their medications to keep adverse side affects like fangs and feathers from developing. Otherkin dealers removed those safeguards deliberately and then sold the injections, but not to just anyone. Even gangsters had a reputation to uphold after all.

Technically speaking it was illegal, but it was really only enforced up in the Top and in the highest tiers of the Mid Level where Biotech had more influence and control over the government. Up in the Top Level the city surveillance and security systems were more thorough and they could enforce the regulations. Down here it was hard enough to get a bus to arrive on schedule sometimes much less get the police to enforce anything when they weren't already being bribed by the Otherkin gangsters.

Ally knew that it was a painful process since it altered the entire human body. Bones, organs and all. Otherkin always freaked her out and running into a bear here on the streets was no different. This tier of the Mid Level was as high as they could go before the influence of the Otherkin started to wane and the police seriously took to rounding up and arresting Otherkin. While there weren't a huge number around this neighborhood it was still far too much for her comfort.

Ally grumbled and muttered complaints to herself as she entered her apartment building and took the lift up to her floor. When she arrived at her door she tried to hold the bags of groceries and find her swipe card at the same time. After several searches and two near spills she finally pulled it out and held it up to the black scan pad outside of her apartment door. A small light flashed green and the door slid back with a soft hiss. Gripping her bags, Ally hurried inside and a small chime announced her arrival as the lights all flickered on in the entrance way. The door stayed open for a few seconds after she entered before sliding shut and locking magnetically.

The other house lights came on automatically as Ally walked down the short hallway and turned into the open kitchen on her left. Setting the bags down on the island in the center of the kitchen she started sorting through the vegetables and spices in the bags. Thankfully the steaks were still one piece. Meat was expensive and vegetables even more so since the land it took to grow them had long since been torn up and replaced by sprawling cities with levels of buildings and automated highways stacked one on top of the other until they stretched up beyond the clouds. The only farms that existed now were in specially designed buildings that doubled as tourist attractions. At least with a cow you had enough to feed several families for days or weeks. A salad could only be stretched so far.

Ally stared at the onion in her hand and then picked up the bottle of blended spices. Sure she worked as a barista at a very nice coffee shop two tiers up, but that wasn't enough to afford food like this more than once or twice every other week and certainly not enough for real spices. Prepackaged synthetic food was what she and most of her neighbors usually subsisted on. At least she had made due with that until Hanai came into her life and started helping her out financially.

It hadn't taken long for them to become best friends despite their differing backgrounds. Ally had long brown hair and tan skin and was pretty enough but she nothing like her best friend. Ally had grown up in the lowest and poorest levels of the city and had only recently managed to save up enough money to get up here to the Mid Level area. Hanai, however, was a professional model with silky black hair and fine Japanese features. She had always lived up in the Top Level of the city and made more money in a couple hours then Ally made in an entire two week pay period.

Her childhood allowance alone was probably more then my mom made in a month, Ally thought as she set aside the fine steaks and pulled out the bottle of wine. Real wine. Not the cheap stuff squeezed out of the red and orange berries that grew like weeds in the poorly lit alleyways of the Lower Level tiers. Technically speaking they were actually weeds but that certainly didn't stop her father and hundreds of others from finally poisoning their bodies with the alcohol made from them.

Welcome home my lady! Would you like the latest?

Ally squeaked and nearly jumped out of her skin as the house system A.I. loudly greeted her. It should have spoken up as soon as she came in. She really needed to call a tech to come update its systems before it stopped working altogether. That, however, did not come cheaply and would likely require even more financial help from Hanai.

Sighing heavily, Ally waved her hand in a deliberate arc to signal the house system to continue and then lowered her hand slowly to adjust the volume. It must have been left up after that action movie she downloaded to the screen last night.

You have two missed calls and one voice message from Hanai as well as six new emails all of them advertisements or newsletters that I have already sorted for you. Would you like to listen to the voice message first or catch up on the news?

"I'll listen to the voice message first," Ally commanded and started folding the paper bags as the message played back.

"Hey there! Just letting you know I might be just a little late and I'm bringing a friend with me. Sorry to spring this on you all of sudden but he's looking for an employee for his restaurant and I really think he'll be able to help you out. I'm bringing extra food for him too so don't panic! Please call me back as soon as you can so I can tell you more. See you soon!"

The message clicked off and the house system spoke up again.

Would you like me to delete the missed calls and voice message?

"Yes and turn the screen on so I can listen to the news while I cook," Ally commanded and rubbed her forehead as she replayed the message in her head. Whether or not this was a good thing remained to be seen. Hanai was not only rich, but very well connected and she knew people on all Levels and tiers of the city. Both human and Otherkin. Ally loved her friend but she kept some very strange company at times. No doubt she would be on her way already so Ally wouldn't bother trying to call her. They could talk when she got here.

Ally opened a cupboard and tossed the paper bags into the dark green recycle bin as the house system did its work. The orange and yellow warning lights on the side said that it was almost full and would need to be put out for pickup tomorrow. The city was very strict when it came to reusing materials and the last thing Ally needed was a fine for not getting it picked up on the proper day.

Closing the cupboard door, Ally waited as a small circle on the ceiling flashed blue and turned on with a softly glowing light. Seconds later it projected a screen just a few inches above the counter in front of her. Frowning slightly, Ally reached forward and waved a finger to bring up the options. With a tapping motion she changed the screen settings so it wasn't quite so transparent and then set it so that it would turn with her as she moved around the kitchen.

Satisfied, Ally went over to the stove and grabbed a plastic cutting board from the metal drawer underneath the oven. Returning to the center counter she also grabbed a knife so she could start chopping up the onion.

"In today's news Biotech Genosys announced a new cure for bone and muscular diseases of the face and jaw that will be available next week in select medical centers and then in all of their hospitals at the start of next month. We have one of their genetic specialists here to explain the details," the perky female news anchor was so enthusiastic it made Ally roll her eyes.

"Please lady they practically have announcements like this three or four times a month," Ally grumbled as she sniffed and continued cutting up the onion. She wanted to get this finished before her eyes started watering too much. While a new cure was always treated like breaking news Ally usually tuned them out or just had her house system write up a basic summary for her to read later on.

Biotech Genosys basically ran the city and most of the world now. The international company specialized in genetic studies, gene splicing, and human medicine and they had their headquarters here in Neo Veisa. Thanks to them potential pandemics were eradicated before they could ever become a problem and diseases that had crippled third world countries for decades could now be kept under control. Key word being "could." Biotech Genosys was a private company and were therefore not required to treat anyone. That included politicians and their families. That veiled threat was more than enough to keep most governments from actively or passively interfering with their operations. Any and all other companies that had tried to copy their technique had either failed so miserably that they were shut down or bought outright by Biotech.

"They're all ready to help save the world until you ask what happens when someone has a bad reaction or gets sick from one of their medications," Ally said to herself as she finished chopping the onions and started on the green peppers and mushrooms.

Excuse me my lady but there is someone at the door for you. Facial recognition shows that it is Hanai and an unidentified gentleman. Shall I let them in? the house system A.I. asked her.

"Pause the news feed and let them in," Ally ordered and the projection image froze. She could hear a soft swish followed by two chimes and the rustling of bags.

"Hello! I'm not late am I? I'll be right there after I take these blasted heels off," Hanai's voice came from the hallway and Ally turned back to her chopping as she waited for her friend.

"No, I just got in actually. I don't know why they bothered making all vehicles and roads automated because it certainly hasn't cut down on traffic any. There's always one guy who wants to break the rules and drive by hand with no guidance systems because he's impatient. The bus I was on passed two different car crashes on my way before it finally reached the ramp to go down to the lower Mid Level tiers," Ally explained as she made quick work of the pepper and mushrooms. There was going to be a lot more then she expected, but hopefully their extra guest would help take care of that. Going to another cupboard she pulled out the portable psuedo grill that had been given to her by Hanai last year as a gift and set it up on the left side of the stove.

"Ahhh that feels so much better. I came right from a magazine photoshoot and these stilletos were the only thing that I had with me. I did get an extra steak though as well as some real chocolate ice cream. Not that cheap dry milk stuff. No offense, but I thought you might enjoy a taste of the high life as you love to call it," Hanai's voice grew louder as she came down the hallway and into the kitchen.

Ally had gotten a bowl and was dumping the veggies she had cut up into it. Her back was to Hanai but she could hear her friend setting a bag down on the counter and taking stuff out of it.

It always made her feel guilty that her best friend kept getting all these fancy foods for her and she could barely afford to get her a nice cup of cappuccino in return after all the bills were paid. No doubt Hanai's friend would also be sickeningly rich. This was supposed to be a fun night between friends but now Ally found herself getting depressed again. For once she wanted to be able to take care of herself instead of depending on others or constantly worrying if she would have enough money to pay the bills after the latest utility price hike.

"Oh did they make another cure announcement? What is it this time? Here can you unwrap the steaks and get the spices on them?" Hanai asked talking to the friend she had brought with her before unpausing the news feed.

Ally hummed but didn't answer and instead rifled through the silverware drawers to make sure she had everything. Whoever the guest was he was staying awfully quiet except for the click of his shoes on the floor. It may be a little rude but she wasn't entirely thrilled about meeting him and having to make small talk when her mood was already taking a turn for the worse, so she stayed focused on dinner preparations instead.

"So tell us exactly what this new cure will do doctor," the peppy voice of the news caster rang out around the kitchen as the news started playing again.

"This new injection will not only help those with bone diseases of the face, head, and jaw but will also help those with injuries that occurred because of accidents such as in a vehicle accident or those poor people who have been assaulted and deal with devastating skull or tooth injuries," the doctor informed and Ally could practically see his reassuring smile despite her back being turned.

"What we will be using this time is the hyena and striped hyena genes contained in our DNA banks. Their jaw strength is among the most powerful in the world so those with damage to their mouth will receive treatment using this animal's DNA. Those with cranial injuries will receive gene splicing using DNA from big horn sheep as their skull structure is..."

"Just turn that off already. I'll get the summary of it later on," Ally said with a wave of her hand and Hanai hummed and cycled through the stations until she got to a report about some new rooftop gardens that were being installed in the Top Level. Not that interesting but better then yet another interview ending with a declaration of how Biotech was greatest company ever and they all owed their lives to them and their medical advances.

Apparently all the glowing neon banners, constant commercial advertisements, or giant billboard screens choking the Mid Level tiers weren't enough. If you wanted an actual real sky view of any kind you had to go up to the Top Level and even then you could usually only see a small portion of it through the towering skyscrapers.

Setting the bowl of chopped veggies aside for later Ally made sure the portable pseudo grill was warmed up before she taking a deep breath. She couldn't be moody all night after all or Hanai would be after her to try and make her talk about it. The last thing she wanted was to address the bear Otherkin she had seen earlier. However, the guest Ally saw standing there was not one she was expecting. They weren't even human.

The "friend" that Hanai had brought with her was a fox Otherkin. An arctic fox apparently judging from the color of his fur which was currently in its darker summer phase. Currently his fur was black and dark gray that melted into silver and then pure white on his neck. He was wearing a black pin stripe suit and fedora with a dark gray vest. His tail had a white tip and his feet were bare. That clicking sound she heard earlier weren't shoes. It was the sound of his claws on her cheap tile floor.

Immediately, Ally looked at Hanai with a fierce look. Right away the woman held her hands up in front of her silk blouse as if to protect herself.

"Can I speak to you for a moment?" Ally demanded with a hiss and stalked over to grab the woman's arm and dragged her off into the living room. With a gesture she ordered the house system to turn the volume up on the news screen. Although their guests ears were probably sharp enough to hear no matter what she did. When they stopped Hanai tried to explain herself.

"Look I asked you to call me!" Hanai said defensively and crossed her arms. "His name is Ashley Donovan and I admit he is a gang leader, but he's also very rich and he's looking for a waitress and experienced barista for the restaurant he just opened. A perfectly legal establishment I might add. Now the restaurant does serve both humans and Otherkin of various species, but I told him you might be interested and he's willing to give you a chance. Trust me Ashley pays his employees extremely well and there are benefits too," Hanai continued hurriedly before Ally could object.

"I know how much you want to stand on your own and take care of yourself without anyone's help. Now you can be stubborn and stick to the job you have now, or you can give this fox a chance and finally have the opportunity you've always wanted. The opportunity to stand on your own," Hanai said and Ally pursed her lips and looked away. After a moment she looked back at her and answered.

"You could have said he was an Otherkin at least. How do you even _find_these creatures?" Ally hissed in a low tone and Hanai put a hand on her arm.

"I'm sorry. You're right I should have sent a text to your house system or phone and told you what was happening but I was in a rush. Still I do think this will be a great opportunity for you. I know you aren't comfortable with Otherkin but this is a chance you may not get again. This is a chance I may not be able to offer you again," Hanai said in a gentler tone.

Ally looked back over at Ashley the fox and glanced down at his legs. Those were clearly not human legs and she couldn't imagine having to transition to a leg shape like that. Just the thought of bones shifting around and stretching like that made her sick.

The silence continued to stretch on for several long seconds before they were politely interrupted.

"I'm sorry if this is a bad time. I hope my being here is not too much of a problem. I can always return at some other time if that would be more convenient," Ashley said calmly as he took his fedora off with one of his paws and held it in front of him. His golden eyes shifted back and forth between them. Ally rubbed her arm and took a deep breath before addressing the well-dressed Otherkin. Those clothes must cost more then she made in a year.

"I'm sorry I'm just... I just had a really bad day at work and... and there are a lot of other things going on today. Usually I'm in a better mood than this," Ally apologized and summoned a weak smile to send in his direction. Ashley bowed his head in assent and motioned towards the stove as he put his fedora back on.

"Why don't I get started on these steaks and give you a chance to relax?" Ashley offered with a wave of his paw and immediately Ally felt an even stronger twinge of guilt. Although he was rich he clearly was not above getting his hands dirty. Or paws. Or whatever they were supposed to be. Not too dirty but still a small gesture was better then none.

Ally brushed a stand of hair out of her face and looked back at Hanai.

"You're just trying to help I know that. Sorry for being in such a sour mood today. I'll get over it. Especially with enough wine and chocolate ice cream," Ally assured and gave her best friend a hug before shoving the last remnants of her foul mood away.

"Let's get this night on with already," Ally hooked her arm around Hanai's and they walked back to the kitchen where Ashley was cooking the steaks. Quite well from the looks of it. Looking over his shoulder the fox flashed them a toothy smile.

"Well done but still juicy and full of flavor is how I cook my steaks. I hope that's okay. Business can wait until later," Ashley said his pointed ears swiveling back to catch the sound of her voice. Hanai looked questioningly at Ally.

"Sure that sounds perfect," she responded and turned the volume on the news screen back down a little. The documentary had ended and was now on a commercial for Biotech Genosys.

"Makes you wonder doesn't it?"


Ally glanced up from the projection and at Ashley who was busy looking at the screen. He glanced up and met her eyes for a second before going back to the screen.

"About Biotech I mean. I'm clear evidence of what those injections can do when the gene limiters infused into them are removed or they are deliberately tampered with. But what about those who have severe reactions to the newest supposed cure that's being pushed out. What happens to them? Surely they don't just get released back into the general public. After all Biotech prides itself on showing everyone how different their patients are from the Otherkin such as myself. They love showing how safe they are for all ages. They love bragging to the world that creatures like me are inhuman beasts that need to be rounded up arrested for their crimes," Ashley said as his golden eyes slid back over to meet her's.

"Well that's what Biotech believes and promotes anyway. The local government would rather just turn a blind eye to the whole thing as long as their Top Level citizens are happy and content and their own paychecks are undamaged. Biotech on the other hand hates us with a rather deep passion. It just makes me wonder... what happens to those people who suffer those 'terrible' side affects they warn you about in the fine print. Those people who start turning into animals but against their will?" Ashley commented as he stared at her.

"I wonder... where do they go? And why do you rarely if ever hear about what happens after someone suffers one of those adverse reactions? Why are there few if any interviews from them? No medical company has a one hundred percent success rate; those warnings wouldn't be there at all if that was the case," he added finally breaking her gaze. Ally frowned as memories of her own past floated back to the surface.

"What are you trying to say?" she asked warily. Ashley merely shrugged and went back to cooking.

"I'm just saying that the line between right and wrong often depends on where you are standing. People may not like Otherkin gangsters, but at least we can prove that no one has died in our care. Can Biotech do the same thing I wonder?" Ashley asked in a cavalier tone. The fierce look Hanai gave him was a clear indication to shut up, but Ally didn't stop him or try to change the subject.

"I'm going to set the table," she said instead trying to brush aside his words, but they stuck there in her mind as she brushed past the fox and gathered up some dinner plates and silverware.

What did Biotech do to those who suffered such severe side affects? Sure they had done a lot of good for people, but what happened to those people who weren't fortunate enough to achieve a full recovery?

Ally stopped for a moment and stared down at the plates in her hands as Ashley's words bounced around in her mind. She tried to push them away but they continued to push and prod at her for the rest of the night.