Meeting the parents

"H-how do I look?" I ask nervously. My limited wardrobe gave me very few choices... Well, I don't always dress up, so I never bothered getting new clothes. It hits me back in the face when I find that half the clothes I own does not fit anymore. I give...

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Getting back

The hulking mass of fur let out a wicked grin as he looked at the fur in front of him. The lights were dim in that quiet empty room and it was rather stifling hot to be in there. But the heat didn't matter, not when he was so focused at the fur. What...

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Escape (3)

Seriously, what's up with that guy? Is this place that isolated from the outside world or something? The bear is a little... clingy. I don't have time to spare, do I? Who knows how fast the humans will track me down? Unless... they believe I'm dead...

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"And no secrets, Jo," I say. I know something is up, I always do. That grey wolf thinks he can bluff me, but no. I've known him for so long, how can I not know when he is troubled? I know he doesn't want me to worry, so usually I play along and let...

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Troubles (Jo)

What? Do my ears deceive me? Did he just... No, it can't be. But I... How? Just when Gerrald is... What the hell is going on?! I... What should I do? Wait. He doesn't know about my personal feelings yet. I... should I tell him? I, I...

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"Hello, heeeellloooo," Jo waves at my eyes. I snap from my daze and look at Jo, that wolf has his muzzle resting on one of his paws, looking at me, still waving with his other paw. "You alright? Are we that boring?" Jin asks, "You were...

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Escape (2)

Ugh... Where am I? Heaven? It feels too tiring to be in heaven, I feel sores all over. There is like a fog in my mind, clouding my head, a term 'Mental exhaustion' surfaced, but I have no ruddy idea what it means other than it's literal...

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It didn't take long before all the food disappeared. "Do you still want more?" asks Jo. "Eh? Why, still hungry?" I say, raising my eyebrows. I mean, he has eaten quite a fair bit. "Nah, it is just that you should eat more, you're so...

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After lunch break, the next few hours were rather uneventful. Well, classes are always boring and will always be, no? Not when Gerrald isn't around. Call me biased or crazy, but any school period, to me, without the bear is just boring. Yes,...

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"Typh," Jo calls out, nudging me. I ignore him as I stab my potato moodily with a fork and twirl it around. Thinking that I'll just be wasting my money if I don't eat, I reluctantly put the poor potato in my mouth. I don't have the mood to...

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To catch or get caught?

Kane slams the files on the table. For intimidation or just out of annoyance, he can't be sure. He can't believe he have to work overtime just for him, that little arctic fox in front of him. But work is still work, it still has to be done...

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Thoughts (Jo)

"Are you sure your head is really fine?" I ask, probably the fifth time already. We're doing some of our homework during a break just right after lunch, less work to bring home anyway. "Yes, stop asking already. As much as you are concerned,...

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