Dark Skies, Part II: Up to Speed

It took all of ten minutes to fix the leak on the fuel pump. The Nuva wrap was a strong material and held well, and after fixing it and dropping the wrap in the repair bay, I stepped into the armory to pull on my E.A suit. Th Environmental Assistace...



Chapter 3 - Aces - The Acetica Many have asked me about the things that I am able to do. In this chapter I will attempt to explain the details of my aces, free from ego or superstition. Almost all Symbians are endowed with aces, which are quite...



science fiction story "season's greetings, captain," jordan said from the bulkhead behind him. the salutation brought a rueful smile to captain brevik's lips. 


Earth 42 info

**The purpose of this document is to record what has thus far been established in my universe both for me, and for others to refer to when writing stories, or creating other forms of art, and is presented in no particular order (its as organized as my...


Mutual Night

Bertha was a rather voluptuous Zeta Reticulan living off her home planet on all night cycle city planet. Despite the planet being always dark, it had a rather lively street life and she had many various clients weekly, though she didn't want to exhaust...


Deep Space - Chapter 7, Unfortunate

"So... What's it like on that thing of yours?" Skjorn was sitting in a wheely chair, while we were beginning to power up the Cyan Wasp. "It's called the Infinatum, and it's a lot better down here than up there." I may have been reluctant to accept the...


Deep Space - Chapter 4, Logic

"Let me explain. I am Elite Skjorn, head of the Counsel of Leviathan, and leader of the exploration program. Us five, are tasked with maintaining order in the world, but it's not a difficult task." "Why not?" [Me] "People don't have any complaints....


Discovery - Chapter 4, The Edge of Imagination

"Vff... F... For... For t... Thou Ih... Y.... Ye... Year... S... Ts..." There was a pause in it's static like speach, however it could still be heard faintly from deep within the structure. We started racing down the levels, trying to get to it as...


Discovery - Chapter 5, Forgotten

Running from a massive, seven ton monster with six legs is a lot easier than you'd think, especially when the trees around you don't make sense. We dodged the trees with agility and speed, but the monster slammed head first into one of them and...


Innovation - Prologue, Project Innovate + Chapter 1, Magnetic Sequencing

Prologue \* \* \* Project Innovate \* \* \* I walked up to the podium, standing in front of some two or three hundred people, stretching the entire staff of Theorium Industries as thin as possible. My parents were there, my fiance was there, and...


Front Mission Final (FanFic)

Lumbering giants of steel crash through the undergrowth of an evergreen forest; whirring servos and the hiss of pneumatics add to the symphony of crunching vegetation. Jagged lightning lances through the coal gray clouds overhead, briefly revealing the...


Discovery - Chapter 3, City of Power

We were standing at the entrance to the tunnel Nemo had gone down. Each of us was armed with a revolver, but we hoped we wouldn't have to fire a single round. Our flash lights only just barely lit up the room, casting faint, flickering shadows on the...
