Discovery - Chapter 5, Forgotten

Story by gigarandom on SoFurry

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#5 of Theorium Chronicles

Enjoy and do leave feedback, it actually allows me to become a better writer, which in turn gives you better stories to read. You know, if you don't just realize there's other writers. Again, enjoy and leave feedback!

Anyhow, the stories are continued! Not this one. This one's over. The next installment of Theorium Chronicles will be titled "Innovation".

Running from a massive, seven ton monster with six legs is a lot easier than you'd think, especially when the trees around you don't make sense. We dodged the trees with agility and speed, but the monster slammed head first into one of them and stopped dead still.

"I kinda expected it to blast right through the tree." [Tristen]

"Me too." [Nemo]

"Well it is possible that the tree's outer layer is incredibly weak to blades like axes, but impervious to blunt force. I guess in a way, we have an adventage, as long as we dodge these trees." [Abigail]

"I guess. I'm just confused as to why it's killing us, when it tried raping me earlier!"

"I think before it was trying to move through the forth dimension, so it was having a hard time getting the same exact spot every time. It makes a bit more sense than you'd think." [Tristen]

"Yeah, it really does." [Veronica]

We entered the camp and grabbed only our weapons, then bolted across the stream, as I tripped and fell. The water got in my eyes, and the others were trying to help me up. I looked around, and... could see clearer than usual.

"My eyes!"

"Don't worry, we got you-" [Tristen]

"No, I can see! I can see clearly! I don't need my glasses anymore!" I took them off and threw them in the stream, and continued running with the others. My new vision was amazing me, and I could distinctly see the creature in the distance, running straight for us. I saw the waddle fish before the others, and saw them face plant into the stream as I had. I urged them to get up, and they were equally confused by the eyesight. Tristen claimed he could hear better, too. We delved into the waddlefish cave but didn't get very far, due to high tide.

"This is the end." [Nemo]

"We're gonna die..." [Dexter]

"PREPARE TO DIE!!!" The monster barreled through the tunnel, squishing and killing a few of the waddle fish in the process. "Any last words?!"

"Waddlefish don't like big, scary monsters!" Dexter grabbed one of the fish and chucked it at the creature. The fish started screaming, which made the other fish start screaming, and within a minute, the cave was echoing with screams of pain and agony, which terrified the creature.

"END THE SOUND! I SURRENDER! I SURRENDER!!!" The creature knelt down as the fish hopped up onto it, screaming and crying.

"Well somebody doesn't like noise." [Tristen]

"END IT!! I surrender! I surrender!!"

"The only way to end it is to leave, and never return!" [Nemo]

"You... Fine! Good riddance!" There was the sound of thunder and a bright flash of light, and the monster was gone. The waddle fish stopped screaming, and a couple noticed the dead bodies on the steps. We all went back to the camp, which the monster had completely bypassed. Everything was how we left it, and it felt like things made a bit more sense, now.

For a few months, we just studied the island. Figured out how Theorium worked, and tried our best to understand why everything was here. What knowledge we could obtain about the island was very limited.

For starters, we managed to seperate Theorium from water, and it broke physics. When shaped into a wire, the metal generates more energy from any small amount put in. The equation is practically 2x to the power of y, "x" being the input energy, and "y" being the length of the wire in inches. No matter how long the wire was, it never maxed out it's energy, and it never failed to be stranger than our imaginative expectations.

Theorium also has interesting chemical properties in relation to animalistic bodies. We don't understand why or how, but it seems to increase growth and regeneration rates. This metal is a gift from god himself, and if only we could understand it.

On terms of the metallic nature of the island, we decided it was so isolated from everything else that things grew differently on it. The most earthly thing about it are the fish, and even those are a bit foreign to us.

About three months ago, we found out where all the resources were, the ones that were once in the place of the buried city. They were all stored in strange chambers and cells, all alien in nature, but we understood how to obtain them. We started work on an elevator, which deemed easier to construct and build than any of us expected.

Nearly a year after we initially landed on the island, we officially called it home. We decided to put on a couple maps, and went in to make sure the world would find out about the strange place dubbed Theorium Island. We founded a company under the same name, and within three years, had built a machine we wanted to sell.

It was a pocket watch. But not just any pocket watch, for it had a small, Theorium coil in it, a kind of circuit that allowed us to generate infinite energy simply with the push of a button. We all had one, and we had made fourty more- which were of course ready to be sold, when things started going down hill.

First off, Abigail had had a child. Donovan was a brilliant child, and was being raised into a life of science. His knowledge of the world was going to be unfathomably beautiful, but other things were on my mind. Yes, the ways of women had finally captured my attention. On a small business trip to America, I had met a young Ferret named Dorothy, who was rather gifted in particle physics. We got along exceptionally well, and... let's just say a child was on the way before our untimely marriage.

And I say untimely because the day after we got married, something horrible happened. Nearly twenty five hundred people died, and America had yet to feel a greater loss. That Sunday morning we vowed to never use Theorium as a weapon, and wrote it into the code of the company.

During World War II, we went under ground, literally. We hid away on the island, and destroyed everything that would pick up or send radio signals. We had no troubles, and no one knew about the island, or the power within. Three decades later, we finally returned to America, and found the world we knew had changed. Our children took over the company, and we retired to our knowing of the single greatest force on Earth.

Theorium Industries was not to be reckoned with.