Races of Mundus-Lotori

**lotori ( low-tor-e)** a scavenger race who are known for their stealth and thieving reputation.

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Legends of Mundus Ch 8-9

The lotori were known for their stealth which is why they manage to avoid the nulok for this long, they were also skilled archers because they preferred far ranged combat.

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Legends of Mundus Ch 10-11

In the end they were victorious the humans, unikrons, lycus, and lotori rejoice as the ternary they endured has finally come to an end and now live in peace once more.

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Races of Mundus-Humans

Shorter than the draconians, and gulozerks but taller than the lotori and harepus. they are characterized by their equally balanced abilities, moderate intelligence, and high level of skill in numerous areas.

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Legends of Mundus Ch3-5

The oceans mixed with the blood of solano gave new life to new creatures like the unikrons, lycos, and the lotori, creatures who inherited solano's strength, wisdom, and emotion.

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