Races of Mundus-Humans

Story by MaxL8 on SoFurry

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Decedents of the Titans, a versatile Jack-of-all-Trades race.


Because of their versatility and connection towards the Titans, they can perform well in every role. They may succeed slightly more in well-rounded positions that draw on the majority of stats, such as Warrior, Mage, and Priest. No Human should be deterred from any peril they face. Indeed, the ability to face adversity head on is likely the reasons Humans are the most common race in Mundus.


Physically, the Humans of Mundus reflect Humans of Earth in their ability to adapt. Shorter than the Draconians, and Gulozerks but taller than the Lotori and Harepus. They are characterized by their equally balanced abilities, moderate intelligence, and high level of skill in numerous areas. This combination of traits has played a large role in Umestria's growth into a prosperous nation of technology and industry.


Adaptive and inventive, Humans originally came from an empire from the east a millennia ago, with members of the empire wandering to west meeting their western brethren forming the Republic of Umestria in alliance with the Lycus race. Humans are before The Great Divide Humans lived in other areas of Mundus, so there are Humans all over. This means they share cultures with other races as well as their own.