Falling in ... with style Part 1

Falling in ... with style this in my mind is probably one of my best ideas yet, although it may need tweeks and adjustments that im not aware of yet. the sun high in the cloudless sky blazing down on the bettered wastes known as the capital...

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cursed ramblings!

these ramblings is what happens when i get too much time on my hands and set my mind on a trail of an inner whirlpool that wont let me sleep, so i wrote them down for once and i dont really know what to call these "ramblings". personally i view...

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The Five W's

yet another lazy day idea. ? The Five W's the sun blazes down on the calm plains of tall grass, shrubs, and small trees, a grasshopper jumps onto a small clearing in the grass, but before it can even react a human foot crushes the unsuspecting...

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