The Five W's

Story by TGryzor on SoFurry

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yet another lazy day idea.


The Five W's

the sun blazes down on the calm plains of tall grass, shrubs, and small trees, a grasshopper jumps onto a small clearing in the grass, but before it can even react a human foot crushes the unsuspecting insect. following the frantic runner about some 50 angry lion anthros, some armed with spears and some with their claws.

"lets pause here, now i bet your wondering who this is and how he managed to piss off an entire tribe of native predators?" "well its not like i just walked by with meat strappedto myself, no, it took time, effort, and alot of stupid decisions to pull it off, and that poor fool is me, but lets go back aways."

flying through the air in a nice safe helicopter, "so you guys think that doomsday stuffs really gunna happen?" "oh please thats just a bunch a bull, do you know how many suposed "doomsdays" thers been over the years? i dont think so." doomsday is all we could talk about, with december 12 being tomorrow it was impossible not to. "what about you mikey? you scared?" it took me a while to answer, i was too focused on the storm we were flying into. "shouldnt we be flying around those clouds?" "ha you are scared!" "hey i didnt say i was scared, i just believe what ever happens happens," " yeah i bet and we'll run out of fuel if we try and go around the clouds, they dont even look that dark."

what i didnt know is what we were heading into would change my life and world forever. now i dont really remember what happened that clearley except for lights flashing, everybody screaming, the door flying off, lightning, but when the lightning hit somehow i got ejected, yup, falling to the earth through black clouds with strips of light was actually pretty neat until everything went black.

light slips through the cracks of the trees of the jungle, with a feeling of riding a bull from hell in my entire body, i slowly gain conciousness. "uuuggh,oh i better have all my limbs," there to greet me from my life threating sleep/coma, a pair of yellowish brown eyes, "waaah!" Waaaahhahaha! it finally awakens!" "oh god a talking monkey? i have to be dead." "you not be dead! just close to dead!"

"a talking monkey, a 3 foot tall crazy talking monkey." "yes that be me a monkey, but the real mystery is what be you?" "me? you kidding? im a human, now wheres the scientist that made you?" "hu-man? ... oooo haha! i knew it they thought i be crazy but they be crazy now! haha!" "... no im pretty sure your still the crazy one." "me not be crazy and you be proof, the first human in over hundreds of seasons and you here!" "so im the last one huh? well that sucks."

"you not sad? not mad?" "nah i watched alot of post apocalyptic movies, i know what to do." as i get up surprised at how un-injured i am. "moo vies?" "yeah its a human thing. now if youll excuse me im gunna go find human intelligence, much better than your monkey intelligence." "stop! you not know what surrounds you!" "i already know! uncharted jungles and a crazy hillucination that thinks humans are extinct!"

as i walked away from what i was sure was a brain damaged induced hillucination, i was sure everything would get better from then on, i mean come on, the entire human race gone? you have to understand how i could be so quick to judge, but that, along with everything i ever knew, would change forever.

"meeh you not know what surrounds you ooo im so scared, please that probly didnt even happen" as i walked and mocked, a bird as if stuck by lightning flew from a branch above me "help! help! its a demon! its an alien!" "... and neither did that." the further i ventured themore it seemed like things were moving as if everything had a life of its own. so getting nervous with each step, walking turned into running and running turned into frantic sprinting.

"oh crap, oh crap, oh crap, running, running, running!" then as if someone had ripped the ground from right under me, i had run out of jungle, but now i had a whole lot of steep cliff. so naturally falling turned into tumbling and tumbling turned into rolling. "woo thank god this tall grass cushioned my landing." now onto the vast plains of the savana i continue.

after what seemed like hours of walking, collapsing to my knees depressed, going insane, and probly dehydrated, "Ah, im not getting anywhere, ... wait a minute, those african tour guides are pros at this stuff, i wonder if that tasting the dirt thing really works, like tasting the inner earth pathways." Meanwhile, a good distance away, lurking in the grass were 3 native lionesses, each with native leather, loincloth, a very tribal getup.

"so its true, the stories the ancient race are true." "yeah but they went extinct hundreds of years ago." "yeah well not all of them apparently" ... "whats it doing?" "looks like its eating ... dirt." "it must have skills far above ours, no doubt,it knows what its doing."

"ppphhhht!, uuuhh why would i think that would work?! things cant possibly get any worse."