cursed ramblings!

Story by TGryzor on SoFurry

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these ramblings is what happens when i get too much time on my hands and set my mind on a trail of an inner whirlpool that wont let me sleep, so i wrote them down for once and i dont really know what to call these "ramblings". personally i view everything from my mind that i put into text/paper, a horrible abomination. if you like it im ok with that. ( oh and theres nothing wrong with me, i just got bored and started speaking to myself.)

whats this? im alive again. but how can this be?

i can feel something inside of me.

it feels so good but where do i go?

i feel like im going to explode.

i want to see you

but do you still even care about me?

no where to run, no were to hide i feel like im burning inside,

no one to stay no one to see that this person is still me.

so what do i do? i can not deny, that this thing eating me alive.

no one to listen, no one to care but ill make it through this i swear.

everyday i search for that place where i can be free

but now that ive found it, the only thing wrong with it is me.

what is paradise when your all alone

no one to hold no one to love

no one to say that ill miss you every day

why is it that when i go your so close

but when i stay your so far away?

this, is not my time, i must move on, cause i will not pay for your crimes, this life is so unfair, when everything turns on a dime, take my trust, throw it away, so i swear to god ill fuck you up one day. i will not sleep i will not speak, until i give you your sweet release.

if you want my heart you can take it

but you need to know that i cant live without it.

nothing makes sense

when they get their laughs

its at my expense

oh god, what do i do?

wont someone please show me

what a kind heart can do?

i am just so eager

i cant even wait

for someone to open my cage.

so far off the road

so lost out in space

not enough words to describe my place.

what have i become? this insturment of death

used by everyone, family and friends

are all just bugs crawling in my head.

i toss and turn, all night in my bed

every sound in the dark, that fills me with dread.

sleeping with both eyes open

a knife in my hand, waiting for someone or something

to enter my house of the damned.

what am i doing? i need to get back out there

and give them a scare, back into submission

they know im here to continue my mission.

is this what i will continue to be?

i wish someone would take control of me.

but until then i will fear no evil,

for i am a fate worse than death.

bring me to my knees, make me pleade, make me beg, if you can do these, you will be inside my head, give me pleasure, give me pain, aslong as theres a reward in this dream, be my mistress, but you better not make it easy on me, i will not stop i will not cease to give you what you seek, but i will expect a treat.