The new age (introduction)

The world as you now it is gone the human race has been wiped out due to volcano's and other natural occurrence but there is a new race the anthros their animals that are half human, right now there is three anthros know to us now the names are: Tom a...

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The magician part 2

"I,m telling you there is no way the king killed his bro"said Vixen who's vixen sorry by the way a month our king was killed by his brother who was a Mage but he had cursed us all the fowling day by forcing us into body's of animals such as vix he was...


The Magican part 1

Once there was Man that hated the king however he was the kings brother so he asked the king if he could grant one wish to the entire world, fore his plane was to make every one a certain species of animal of his choosing. The Mage was giddy that he...
