The magician part 2

Story by Furryman239 on SoFurry

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That's good for now.

"I,m telling you there is no way the king killed his bro"said Vixen who's vixen sorry by the way a month our king was killed by his brother who was a Mage but he had cursed us all the fowling day by forcing us into body's of animals such as vix he was a man now he is a female fox that has a light oarnge fur skeany snout and a huge fluffy tail. Me however a male fox that was forced to mate with my own family this is my life by the way name,s jason. "Mom I don't want to go to school" me talking inn my sleep agein "bro walk we're going to be late for appraisal to the king" vixen my forced wife" oh crap almost forgot bro" same here wolk up early steaks ready" did I frogot to swag ghat I am right a huge strong fox with dark orange fur and light fur on the tail.