The new age (introduction)

Story by Furryman239 on SoFurry

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#1 of the new age

Sorry guys fur lack of content most of my work is on deviant art im going to manly do story's on this now. Tom is mine, Lovey is mine, and Rachel is mine so taking my characters without permission if so I will report you.

The world as you now it is gone the human race has been wiped out due to volcano's and other natural occurrence but there is a new race the anthros their animals that are half human, right now there is three anthros know to us now the names are: Tom a dire wolf, Lovey a foxcheetah ( a cheetah with a fox's head),and Rachel a lion there journey to find civilization these are the anthros the journey has began! But wait I forgot a prophecy is been told "The last of Earth shale save the human race or raze it"(raze: to destroy). I must go now for i'm needed, oh who am I Lovey's the name and we have a journey to do.