My letter

If you are reading this, I will be currently being with my new family. The song, one summers day reminds me of old family and all the good times I've had with them. I hope they are doing well without me. The music they play will always be on my mind....


A Letter, addressed to whomever will read it.

Here I am, finding myself writing again. And why? Because a video game inspired me to do so. Okami. A roommate of mine had it, and although I had beaten it once before, I had forgotten much of the storyline, because I had rushed through it. But at the...


Letter to the world

> > > > ?Dear World, 12/12/12 Well where do I begin? first off i will say that you are messed up. Pollution, famine and war the catch of the day with a topping of politics to complement the dish. I am concerned about how humanity has become so horrid...


Words from Far Away

Karezuma Base, Earth Date 17.5.2246 It has already been 2 months and 3 days since I was assigned here. So far, no major problems to report. According to the results from the Environmental Verification, the planet should be ready for settlements. But...


Cheat Codes and Sex.

Dear Leon Ni'Kate, It all started when I bought the damn game. I mean; it wasn't really the problem when we could both share the games and have our little talks. Secretly it was all the impure thoughts that filled my mind on the kinky little...

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Dear Spacestrawberry

Dear Spacestrawberry You asked for love story but I'm sad to say that I can not come up with a proper love story for us despite how well of a writer you think I am. I say this because I can think of no better love story then the one we've lived out...


A letter to my loves.

For my Niku, and my Misty..... My loves, you are always so sweet to me. So quick to pick me up off my feet when I am down, or to hold my hand if I need to cry. You make me feel as if....I could face armies by myself. And you never ask for anything in...

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The final goodbye

This is a copy of the letter i wrote for my grandma's funeral......i'll miss her i wrote a letter to my grandma for her funeral and i'd thought i'd share it with you all: dear grandma, i'm writing to you to thank you for all the memories and the

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To ___.

In one way, I know why it shouldn't happen for a reason. Not everything is how one wants it, but the chance of it happening gives a temporary thrill and the hope of it to be reality. Upon first introduction, a thought ran through my mind, but was then...

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Everything Lost

Dear (Faded), Its been a while since I've written to you. I'm sorry this happened, it's just so hard to communicate anymore since the outbreak. It's been hard for everyone; especially those who are left out there with them. I'm lucky that the base is...

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Letter Pronunciation of the Tashoo Language

**letter pronunciation of the language of tashoo** because i created a language for my story, i've decided that, perhaps, i should inform potential readers of how to pronounce the letters and letter combinations i use for the words in this language.


Dearest Elise

He turned back to the letter. "i have to go now, my love. sleep beckons me. yours forever, aidrin."_ _ _ _the morning on the misty mountain was cold, the sun weak and sickly.

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