A Warrior's Heart, Chapter 26

Strong Soul found herself wandering the corridors of the Rose when she wasn't needed on the bridge, and now that they were well and truly away from the scene of the battle and on their way back to Mss'ranaw, the small fleet had little use for her....

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TCoJ - Book 1 - Prologue

The original language of this book is harsh to the ear, as each of the various races uses a common speech but laced with their own guttural version making it at best difficult to speak and at worst impossible to read

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The secret truth part 2

"bella bro come va" he said it meant sup bro how you doing "i'm good" i said in english i lost my original language i've been in america for too long but i can still talk most of the time, he then cut to the chase and said "come in so we can talk about what

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The secret truth part 2

"bella bro come va" he said it meant sup bro how you doing "i'm good" i said in english i lost my original language i've been in america for too long but i can still talk most of the time, he then cut to the chase and said "come in so we can talk about what

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The secret truth

"bella bro come va" he said it meant sup bro how you doing "i'm good" i said in english i lost my original language i've been in america for too long but i can still talk most of the time, he then cut to the chase and said "come in so we can talk about what

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Lar: A Brief History

It took years to adopt, but the language eventually became known by all intelligent species in lar, their original languages only known by families wishing to specifically remember their old languages. what followed was a period fraught with turmoil.

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Tales of The Thief King: Chapter 5: The Path Ahead.

It was the original language of the kingdom, but the language died out, or so i had thought, when the thief king took over. ishon had cried out "nelgazi zamow uzgazi, ri olev balef.......tallowabev...."

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Jean Paul et le Serpent

All dialogue is preserved in its original language with translations in square brackets ([]). "i was walking down le rue des pyramids in paris, when i saw him.

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On His Mane's Secret Service - #13

Then she released herself to the beings known collectively as the hist, closing her eyes as she performed what she could best describe as a translation with no original language. "we are the hist of argonia," she began.

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"yeah, to think it was the original language of who ever built that thing on earth." "i heard they were going to test it next week. did you know that they picked magrad as the pilot?" "that asshole?

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The legend of the northern island - chapter 1: the journey begins

I know my grammar and everything aint perfect but that's because english is not my original language that's dutch.

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