Kerescii Chapters: First Born (Introduction)

#2 of kerescii chapters: first born **introduction** in a land lost to the world, within the dome structure of light, comes a world far sighted from no man, woman and child caught to ever see today.

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The Fae's First Born

Giving a dramatic pause, "your first-born." "what!?" tom exclaims. "your first born will be taken and become a fae themselves, this is how our race reproduces-" tom's face grows grim but before he can say anything she stops him.

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The Sonadow Family: First Born Part 1/10

**-At Night-** **Sonic: \*sat on the roof looking at the stars\*** **Shadow: sonic? \*sat next to him\* what are you doing up here?** **Sonic: oh hey shadow. just looking at the stars in the night skies.** **Shadow: i see.\*joins the star...

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Kerescii Chapters: First Born (Chapter 1: Puzzles, Books and Myths)

#1 of kerescii chapters: first born **chapter 1: puzzles, books and myths** "and that is enough stories for you kids tonight," said the elder teenager to the two children.

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The Twelve Guardian Deities

**shal'naresh** seventh child and first born daughter of asurmen. twin sister to jan'zar. the goddess of compassion, love and forgiveness. her teachings are about showing love and compassion to others.

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Eternal Mortality: The Fastolf Story

John was always held close to his father, as the first born he was the heir to the seat of first console.

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Taomerle - Reboot - Book 1

"your uncle is not the first born, your father was. only the first born can receive the mark." as the older feline mentioned the mark, the image of her father , and grandfather flooded into her mind. "the eye, the patch that father wears..."

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This became the basis for the _the lady of the mist_ and her holding selena's father hostage as she demands the woman's first born.

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Alexander Bio/Backround

I love what people have to say and offer constructive criticism :d alexander backround the first-born purgatory, a place of peace,happiness and utter bliss. a place with many names. shangrila,heaven,hell and even the void.

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Unusual Love # 12

The ninjas returned and were vigorously cleaning the blood, "i am the best, and also a first born son. at the age of sixteen, the first born child must get married in order to keep the clan from falling into chaos.

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Part 1: Raising Ruby

My parents were fascinated by emeralds they had once seen while traveling, and vowed to name their first born after the lovely stones. sadly i have never seen an emerald, but i have always wanted to.

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