Kerescii Chapters: First Born (Introduction)

Story by Nanukk on SoFurry

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#2 of Kerescii Chapters: First Born


In a land lost to the world, within the dome structure of Light, comes a world far sighted from no man, woman and child caught to ever see today. Set into the land's own time and the time of we once knew came, creatures - like men have seen thousands of years ago. But now the history has turned to legend, the legend to a story, a story that is now a myth. They are trapped, isolated and damned to never walk to plains of Earth again. These are the stories within the Dome and how the Dome was broken. This is Kerescii, the lost islands of Earth.

Within one of these islands called Draconia, under one such starry night, a child was born. Under the celestial of the ninth age a star swept down from the heavens, golden in pitch and silver within, landed through the dome and onto one of the sacred lands. A priest that had been praying in a nearby Oracle house saw the flash of light fly through the dome. He ran towards the light which fell not too far away, which had no flame and no scarred ground, but a floating ball of golden light. As the priest held his hand towards the strange object it began to flourish, like a leaf growing from a branch, and let down a child with golden eyes and a warm smile.

The child appeared to be a Leaper to the priest, but dark in colour like a black panther and had a tail of a warless lion. It seemed strong and healthy, as the child rested into the priest's arms. From then on the priest knew the child was a gift from the heavens, here to light the way within Kerescii. He grew up the child from a cub to a boy to be a member of the house of the Oracle. From then on the blessings through the lands held wondrous miracles. Farms' crops flourished, strength filled the people's hearts and the land was at peace.

But who to challenge this light was the darkness itself. Swept into the land light a fired plague, destroyed buildings, broke families and burned down crops to get to the child. But the priests of the house of the Oracle fought to save the boy; with magick they pursued to drive the darkness away. The darkness however, overcame them and went for the boy. But as they got into the room where the boy sat and meditated, he looked up at them with his golden eyes and a burst of light swept from his body, destroying the shadowed darkness and turned the boy to gold.

The land that had been forgotten fell into a chasm and never to be seen again. But legend has it from that land grew flourishing the lands of Kerescii. Trees grew, flowers bloomed and nothing within Kerescii had been tainted with evil again. It is said that the land was saved and from there the boy gave gift to a new age many centuries ago.