Lewd times with Umbreon

His sharp shoulders, his slender waist, his haunches' gentle swell--the subtleties my eyes would never have seen. umbreon traced the back of his paw along my neck, and i sighed at the cool, silvery touch of his claws. powerful claws, playful claws.

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Vermin's Vice (Exerpt)

I made my way to the downstairs bathroom shower, a surprisingly secluded facility from the main bedrooms of the house which would suit my needs of subtlety. the water was bitter cold.

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Illusion of Reality Prologue

They all had pointed ears, an almost infinite life span, and a general liking and subtlety for magik. dwarves live mostly underground and in mountainside caves, and are quick tempered, rugged humanoids, with a short stature.

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Little Wings of the Storm

The winds begin to gust the dancing leaves moving in currents and streams, subtlety lost in flashes of rustling color as the church bells sound out silver percussions echoing through the low howl of wind and boom of thunder.

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Conversations with Myself - Ruby 001

It's the subtleties, the little character quirks and tying up loose ends, that trips up so many people. subtlety i grasp, if not well. but i don't want to be known for that kind of writing.

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Ward 7B

On the other hand, sarah's scent is distinguishable from its subtlety.

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Mystery Savior Ch. 7

Unfortunately, subtlety isn't my thing. "so i decided to follow them, knowing that they would pounce sooner or later. unfortunately, i had to stay several yards away from them to prevent them from noticing me.

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Waelun and Majera: First Star Of My New Life

His hands made not subtleties as waelun churred and was groped rather directly. the sensation, the music, lights, and the quickly working alcoholic beverage soon had their muzzles rubbing against one another, and their lithe tongues wrestling.

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J'nari the Brute of Elsweyr

Practically anyone on this list, even dro'amoreth, could teach j'nari a thing or two about stealth and subtlety. still...he's an impressive figure.


Anteronia Chapter 2

Her tongue shot forward, delving inside of me with no regard to subtlety. her probes quick and shocking as she pecked her nose against my sensitive region as well.

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1 - A Voice From The Other World... - Chapter IV

"it's called subtlety, my dear. look at your arm. i didn't try to stop the muscle, you're right there. but by gripping where i did, i could use leverage to block your movement."

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