Inner Pain

My pain, its just a scratch, a nick, nothing more, i'll be okay... But these words I say, are they real? The honest truth...? Tell me, tell me now! How is it that I have tried over and over again, yet I still fail? Is my perseverance not enough?...

Inner Demons

inner demons      everyone has demons, luckily those demons rarely come out. edward's didn't just come out, he lived with them and it was his own fault. around 400 years ago he tempted powers beyond his control. it started one night in the woods.  

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The Inner Light

Not making eye contact, whispering, "you have an inner light." pause. "it is like ... a fire inside of you. when i look at you, i feel warm. i didn't know my heart could ... thaw," she confessed, "like that." still not looking at him.

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Inner Cavern

**If your in it just for the yiff, scroll down about halfway to get to the juicy bits ^_~ ** Norah let out a soft gasp of exhaustion as her shimmering wing-feathers sliced through the air. She had been flying so long she had lost track of all time; her...

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Inner Dragon

My Second Chapter. Opinions and thoughts are always welcome and appreciated! After a straight weeks worth of nights of sex in our bear forms, Michelle and I decided to try another form. As I am able to take any form, we decided something more...

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Inner Sight

Julian had even spread his legs apart at one point and spanked the tender inner thighs from the tops of his pretty, ruffle-topped stockings to between his legs.

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Inner Dilemma

#1 of inner dilemma "come on allen, it's only a hundred and fifty pounds. no big deal," the wolf thought to himself as he squatted down to pick up the bar for dead lifts.

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Inner Fire

In a move unexpected by every world and organization, the hackers had staged a full-force attack in a disputed area of space. Even worse, it was under Fallen Sky's protection, so they had no choice but to send out a massive force to defend any ships...

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Inner Minds

A flaccid ocean stretches Outwards from my feet Being lost in broken imagery A photograph shattered A million shards of perforated memories Mirrored destruction in my heart Floating atop the water's edges A silver stream of forced...

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Inner Madness

The difference was that she focused her energy and let her parents teach her how to master that inner fire while einar chose to let the fire consume him.

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The Inner Animal

She broke off a pedal and i caught her voice saying, "now, show yourself inner animal and appear before us!" the rose burst into a bright light and disappeared into white wisps.

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