Country Life - Ch. 2

When he came, the adrenalin rush was ten times what he felt when he dropped the hammer in a truck pull and that's saying something.

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TMNT – Secret of the Sewers

The blond grinned, elbowing his friend in the ribs as they watched a truck pulling into the parking lot. "pablo, look, its steve..." he whispered. "better than that edgar, it's sally." pablo replied.

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End of an Era Chapter 5

After the fighter stopped, a gray colored gmc truck pulled up to it. simon saw the old fighter jet land on the highway and pulled his truck to it after it stopped.

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The Murrcon Part 1

As the truck pulled from the curb and headed down towards the end of the block, chaz looked over at me with a big smile, "so, robert, you like bondage?" cut to the chase, typical cat. i could see that this was going to be a long trip...

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Chapter 1 Lion and the Lab

Another truck pulled up and then another three after that; the dragon was busy for most of the afternoon with those. when the last of the cargo had been taken inside for storage, he sat back on his chair, yawning and looking at the clock on the wall.

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Aces Of Liberty - Recruitment day

Your physical test is done, you are cleared for the air after meeting your c.o" the enlistment officer said as she nods and walks out a p-40 flying over as a truck pulls up to take new recruits to the airbase.

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A RedTail Story Part 1

Just then this white truck pulled up outside our home, who's said? i said. my dad replied "stay here" as i watched him through the window he seem to know the man behind the wheel.

Chapter One: The Cold Beginning

"what the fuck is going on" seraco starts to walk towards the fence "what is this place" just then two trucks pull up to a gate stops then goes in.

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Hitchhiking Part 1: Adventure

A minute or two later the truck pulled away with a kick of gravel and a plume of smoke. toby wasted no time stretching out and getting comfortable in his side of the cab.

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Goodbye Sex

#8 of wonderful world shane watched from his window as the mail truck pulled away from his house. the pleasant old mailman had been replaced by a pleasant old cougar during the change.

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Lion and the Lab: Part 1

Another truck pulled up and then another three after that; the dragon was busy for most of the afternoon with those. when the last of the cargo had been taken inside for storage, he sat back on his chair, yawning and looking at the clock on the wall.

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Central Park Zoo: New Arival

At 7:30 p.m a delivery truck pulls up to the unloading station at the central park zoo. as the truck reverses into the place the loud shrill voice of alice could be heard screaming directions to the man in the truck, "back it up a bit more max!

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