Chapter One: The Cold Beginning

Story by wolflone33 on SoFurry

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Chapter one: The cold beginning

Hi my name is Seraco I am a hybrid, a mix of a wolf and a human. My pack that I lead is also consisted of hybrids. We live in a city just on the outer rim of the Arctic Circle. It has no name, no location on a map but we call it home. We just finished the Great War a conflict between wolves and humanity. We had always overpopulated humanity but when we started to learn, well let's just say that was not something they were going to aloud. Then we started to disappear first just a couple of packs then hole clans, and it didn't stop there we were experimented on. They wanted a super specie half human half wolf, but there was only just one problem but before I can tell you more I must start at the beginning.

(In a dense forest in Canada)

Sadie runs up to Terra out of breath "Why do have to leave now we just got here"

"We need to; staying here is just too dangerous for us. After we find some food we need to keep heading north" Terra says

Andrew roles on his side stomach growling "I'm so hungry"

"Oh be quite you dumass none of us have had food for days" Tilley says as she pushes him out of her way "You think you would be more mature due to your age but you act like a two year old"

"Hey guys we're back" Seraco says as he walks in "Not much but we were able to bring down a deer"

Shawn comes into the scene carrying a small doe "What the hell, you only sat and watched us"

"Oh come on you guys couldn't have gotten it if I didn't scare it out" said Seraco

"You both are really annoying, and you didn't even scare it" Soily appears behind them

"Hay now lets not start fighting we just got dinner and it's never good to eat and growl" June stated

"So who gets first dibs on the little doe?" Says Shawn " I am the pack leader so I should get first pick" he starts to get closer

A loud growl is heard from June "You batter not; you let the kids eat first."

"Thank you but I am much to worried to eat any thing at all" Terra walks off into the woods "I think I go take a walk in the woods be back in a hour or so" Her shadow disappears into the woods

"You should not just let your members walk off by them selves" June says

"Yeah you are right but I'm to hunger to go, sooo Seraco you are her best friends maybe you can go" Shawn looks at him hoping he says yes

"Yeah I'll go but you save me a hind leg" he walks off his fur a litter red due to anger and a little purple from being excited

"You really are a jerk Shawn"

(30 minutes later deeper in the forest)

"Hey were are we going. Hello. Hey Terra we have been walking for ever are we going to take a break." about this time Terra stops and sits

"You know what Seraco you really can be a pain." she gives him a look

"Why I could never be." he walks over to her and rubs up against her

"Hey stop. I said stop." she pushes back and Seraco falls "Ha ha I told you to stop."

Seraco gets up his fur turns purple and he has a mischievous look in his eye

"You better not" he takes a step forward "Seraco you stop right now or else" He takes another step forward "Last time I'll say thi...." She is cut off before she could finish her sentence. Seraco jumps on Terra they both go flying backwards down a hill "Hey Seraco that is not fare." He ends up on top of her

"Ha that's funny." They both stare at each other Seraco fur and eyes turn into a light red

"You eyes they are so.... I mean you are just...." Terra blushes and looks away

"I am what. Ha Terra what were you going to say." He turns back to his original color Terra is still looking of to the side Seraco follows her gaze

"Hey what the hell is that." Terra gets up. There is a big white tent, barbed wire fence strung up all around it human military walking around the fence.

"What the fuck is going on" Seraco starts to walk towards the fence "What is this place" just then two trucks pull up to a gate stops then goes in. It then parks at a large door the back door of the truck swings open and a group human/wolves file out all wearing army uniforms

"What have they done" Terra starts to freak out "Why do they look like humans"

"I don't know but I don't like it" His fur turns to a dark black "Lets go before they catch us"

"Ok" Terra turns around to find two men with guns pointed at them "SERACO RUN!!!!"

Thank you for reading

I know that it is not much but this is a first for me so please tell me if it is any go if I get good feedback I will write more