TMNT – Secret of the Sewers

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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TMNT - Secret of the Sewers Written by Leo_Todrius Commissioned by Reardo TMNT © Viacom, Mirage Studios, and respective owners.

The late afternoon was crawling along at a snail's pace as if the sun itself was in no hurry to set beyond the horizon. The skies were ablaze with the fiery colors of early sunset. Thin clouds drifted along, drenched in orange and salmon light, carried on winds that drifted one way and then another. It was a magnificent sight, one that blended well with the changing of the leaves in the city below. Fall had come and brought with it the inevitable transition to cooler weather. Trees clung to their rainbow of leaves as long as they could, creating auras of deep red and gold, lemon and orange... but as soon as they reached their peak, the leaves drifted down to create a blanket of color beneath. It was a beautiful sight, one that could be seen keenly by the two teenage boys sitting on the gently sloped roof of Giovelli's Pizzaria.

The two boys had been friends since as early as they could remember, growing up side by side. They were riding skateboards and roller skates as soon as they were able to walk. They loved rock music and junk food and they had settled deeply into the retro culture that was so terribly odd that it was fashionable again. They wore all colors neon; though green and yellow were their favorite. Their sunglasses were large with plastic frames and an oversized baseball cap sat on the head of one of the boys despite his long blond hair. The other boy had dark black hair that complimented the cinnamon tone to his skin and the faint black peach fuzz mustache he had developed from never shaving. Gazing out at the sunset, the two had only one thing on their mind... dinner. The blond grinned, elbowing his friend in the ribs as they watched a truck pulling into the parking lot.

"Pablo, look, its Steve..." He whispered.

"Better than that Edgar, it's Sally." Pablo replied. They crouched down low to the roof line, staying out of sight as the truck pulled into a parking spot and a high school senior climbed out. He was wearing his varsity football jacket with the red chest and black sleeves. He didn't even bother to open the door for his girlfriend but she managed, hopping out of the truck and the two wandered inside. The two teenagers moved around the roof, heading over to the patio that hugged the side of the building. Several red metal tables had been set out for patrons to enjoy eating out of doors and with winter coming there weren't going to be many more chances. The two boys crouched low along the gutter as the door opened and Steve emerged with a large orange cardboard box steaming with flavor. The scent of a rich garlic crust, spicy tomato sauce and well seasoned meats and cheeses wafted up to the boys above. Pablo shuddered, his tongue sliding out of his mouth.

"Pineapple..." he muttered in bliss.

"Disgusting dude." The blond laughed. He pulled off his baseball cap and stuck it on Pablo's head before turning. Pablo braced his knees against the gutter and grabbed a hold of Ed's legs, the two assuming a very complicated position.

"Babe, your eyes glow brighter than the sunset." Steve said. Sally grinned.

"What else?" she whispered. Steve hesitated, flummoxed.

"Um, and... your skin is like that... really... amazing sweater you have that's-" Steve paused, seeing Sally starting to get irate. He scrambled, "Silk! Silk... Your skin is like silk, and you have the best clothes out there and you're so... um, hot." Steve grinned. Sally cooed and leaned in, pressing her lips to Steve's. Steve's eyes fluttered shut and he returned the kiss, the two lip locked and embracing fully... and as they kissed, a sheet of golden blond hair began dropping down from the roof as Ed was lowered, hanging upside down. His hands spread apart from one another to just the right size of the pizza box, his fingers stretching out. They slipped down around the corners of the box and latched on. Ed gave Pablo a gentle squeeze of his ankles. Pablo began grunting, trying to pull Ed back up. There was a gentle pop in the gutters as one of the bolts popped out. Steve and Sally's eyes snapped open, coming face to face with an upside down teenager. Steve looked at Ed and then the pizza in his hands, the pizza he had paid for. He looked back to Ed, not sure what to say. The blond gave an upside down grin.

"Wazzup?" He asked sheepishly before Pablo got a grip and hoisted him up.

"Fucking kid! Give me back my pizza! You damn pricks, you're not going to get away!" Steve said, climbing onto the table, reaching for the gutter. Ed grinned to himself, pulling out a piece of pizza to take a huge bite from. Pablo had already pulled their two skateboards out from where they were strapped to his backpack, laying them out on the roof. The two took a running leap before landing on the boards, picking up speed as they rolled down.

"Cowabunga!" Pablo explained before the two sailed off of the roof, landing on the tall cement wall that bordered the property. The wheels on their boards growled as they chewed the wall, Ed managing to keep his balance with a pizza box. At the end of the wall they jumped their boards, landing on the hood of Steve's truck. To their dismay, the engine roared to life as Steve climbed in. In moments they landed on the sidewalk at the edge of the parking lot and picked up speed, heading out onto the open street. The sunset bathed them in an aura of orange light, making it much harder for Steve to see them but even now the boys could hear the truck coming after them. Pablo grabbed a light pole and swung onto a road leading down toward the riverside and Ed followed soon after. They picked up even more speed, dropping down out of the sunlight, passing by the construction cranes and incomplete buildings being established in the new industrial sector.

Pablo glanced over his shoulder, wondering if they had lost their aggressor. Just when he though there was a chance, the black truck jumped over the top of the hill, sailing through the air before landing on the road, zooming after them. Pablo let out a wail of dismay as he picked up even more speed, his eyes searching for the perfect escape... Anything that wouldn't be the perfect place for Steve to murder them.

"I don't get why he's so mad, it's just one pizza!" Ed complained, panting, his gold hair flowing behind him.

"Maybe it was the other fifteen we stole." Pablo replied before gesturing, "Down there, by the river..."

"That's not that half pipe I like bro, that's a sewer pipe!" Ed countered.

"Just do it! Wait to swing over until the ice cream truck passes." Pablo said. Ed grimaced but they slowed down just enough to let an ice cream truck wobble along before they shot behind it, using it for cover. Ed hopped the board up over the curve, landing on an old metal pipe, grinding it along before he shot into the old sewer pipe itself. He landed on the base of it but there was only a very narrow trickle of water heading toward the river, a great relief. A moment later the growling of skateboard tires doubled as Pablo landed behind him. They sailed in several feet, gliding past the edge of where the sunlight could reach before they came to a stop, freezing in place. They stood in the shadows, praying not to be seen. Moments turned into minutes as their hearts raced... but outside they saw the black truck pull up to the shore. Steve got out of his truck and looked around, first up the shoreline and then down before he growled and got back in. As the truck roared back to life and rolled away, they truly felt that they had gotten away with it. Ed merely chuckled softly before he put his back to the wall, sliding down onto the bottom of the pipe until he was sitting cross legged with a pizza in his lap. Pablo let out a long sigh before he sat down as well. It took a while, but their eyes were adjusting.

"You're loco, you know that?" Pablo asked, reaching over to grab the pizza box, opening it up. Despite the escape, the cheese was gooey and the pepperoni was still hot. He pulled out a piece and bit into it, chewing it down.

"Yeah, but that escape was tubular man, our best one yet!" Ed grinned, getting a piece for himself. The two teenagers were so focused on their escape that they hadn't paid any attention to the spot they had chosen to rest. It was dry for the most part, well past the sewer overflow plant... but the old pipe had been there for decades, integrated into the city well before there was any strict code. Thin shafts of light came down at regular intervals along the storm drain. Most had been built when the city was young, taking run off from the alleys and streets... but a few had been built over, existing in some corner nook of an abandoned warehouse.

Even as Pablo and Ed enjoyed their victory meal, fate had something far different in mind. Above their heads, just on the other side of the storm drain, was the faint glint of metal canisters stacked vertically and held together by a plastic brace. While the ends were metal, the core was clear glass containing a pale green liquid... but not containing it very well. Whether by age or neglect, the canisters had warped enough that the ooze inside was starting to seep out, collecting in a small pool that flowed toward the drain and the unsuspecting teenagers below.

Bite by bite they ate their pizza, packing down one piece after another. They were famished after days of skating and skipping school and nights covering their tracks. It was a hard life being orphans but they had become the best of the best when it came to being elusive... Well, most of the time. The storm drain echoed with the sounds of Ed's moaning as he savored his pineapple. In many ways he'd wished he could be Hawaiian, he certainly liked to hang loose, but he was far too Californian... and far too blond... to get away with that particular dream. Soft globs of glowing green ooze began dribbling down from above, landing on Ed's shoulder, soaking slowly through his shirt. More landed on his head, the blond in his hair starting to shimmer gently, turning green at the roots... though the roots soon started to release the long flowing locks. Across the pipe, Pablo sat, still with Ed's baseball cap on his head. The ooze from above landed in thick drops onto the hat, running down the sides. When the slime dripped down across his cheeks, Pablo let out a long groan.

"Sick man... This is gotta be the worst hideout ever!" Pablo said, reaching to wipe the ooze off of his cheek, "What is this stuff?" he asked, flicking it onto the ground. The ooze clung to his fingers, slowly starting to stain his skin.

"C'mon brah, no one's gonna look for us in here." Ed said, munching more on his pizza, his eyes shutting. Each bite of pizza started to be a bit different as the blond boy's teeth started to grow blunter, the sharp edges softening and the teeth flattening. More of his long blond hair started to slough off, falling silently to the ground. Pablo continued trying to get more of the slime off of his fingers, though they were starting to feel stiff. Whenever he moved his middle finger, his index finger moved with it. The same went with his pinky and ring finger, two pairs of stiff fingers...

"I think I'm allergic to this stuff man, it's..." Pablo paused as he heard a noise... the sound of breaking glass. Both boys looked up before a rush of green slime showered down across them, soaking them to the bone. Pablo fell down, as the stuff started burning at his clothes, eating through the artificial materials that made their vintage gear. Everywhere the slime touched, their skin was darkening and changing, taking on a sickly pallor. Pablo's ears had turned a deep brownish green but they were starting to shrink, the cartilage popping as his ear canal sealed off with a strange thin bit of membrane. Ed let out a scream of shock as he saw some of his blond hair fell out. He reached up with green stained fingers, running his hand across his perfectly smooth scalp, even more coming off beneath his fingers. He tried to turn and run for the mouth of the tunnel but he stumbled, landing on his knees as his entire body started to ache and throb, his bones feeling like they were on fire.

Pablo was panting hard, wanting to reach Ed and help him, but he was barely able to move. His mouth felt so strange, his tongue swelling and his teeth blunting. The baseball cap had long since fallen off to reveal a smooth head. Across their bodies their clothing continued to melt and sizzle, dissolving without burning them. Their shoes had melted into disgusting dark piles, leaving nothing but plastic soaked shoelaces. Ed managed to peel his shirt off and toss it but it was too late for his pants. The last scraps of the cloth fell to the ground before being reduced to nothing. Pablo struggled, pulling pieces of his clothes off that clung to his skin. The cloth revealed that his brown skin had become a dark green. He rubbed at the spots, trying to get them to come off but they were spreading.

As Pablo scrubbed, his face suddenly felt numb. He tried to speak but it was difficult, especially as he saw that his face was mutating. Slowly, his upper lip began to push out further in front of his face, his mexistache spreading along with it. The brown drained away from the skin, replaced with green. A moment later, his chin spread wider and extended too. Despite being filled with terror, a strange sense of contentment was filling Pablo, as if everything would be alright. An eerie smile crossed his lips. The bones in his face ached, his cheeks spreading wider, his lips thickening. It was as if his mouth was making more room for his wide, flat teeth.

Ed's change had been traumatizing as well in its own way. He had started to crawl for help on his hands and knees, each stride harder than the last. He put his hands down into the green slime and when he pulled one up to move forward, he realized that some of his fingers had fused... He wiggled his thumb and then the pair of extra wide fingers he had left. His index and middle finger had grown together, the skin knit and the bones combined... there was even a single fingernail, wider than ever before. Kneeling, Ed examined both hands. Each had three digits... wide digits... Ed shuddered as he started to get ideas on what to do with them.

Pablo was breathing harder, but not so much from shock as the fact that air wasn't reaching his lungs right anymore. He kept trying to breathe through his nose but it wasn't working. He reached up his hands to feel why, discovering the reason soon enough. As Pablo groped his face, he felt the last traces of his nose sinking into his fat, extended upper lip. The nostrils fanned out into small slits on his upper lip... or more accurately... his short muzzle. Pablo whimpered, running his hand all over his skull. It was perfectly smooth and rounded from the crown of his head to the nub of his chin, muzzle and all... all except for the faint stache on either side of his nostril slits.

Ed called out in pain before he fell over onto his side, rolling onto his back... but what he hadn't expected from the immense pain in his spine was the clatter of something hard hitting the cement. Ed's entire back felt stiff, like he couldn't move it even if he wanted to. His shoulders, the small of his back, it was all the same. His skin was hardening, thickening, drying out. He felt the pain of the skin cracking, but the lines were so even, so regular, so perfect. As the color blanched out of the flesh on his back and it turned from cream to green to brown, the last sensations of the shell disappeared. Ed was numb, but his back was swelling. The hardening leathery hide continued to expand, curving ever so slightly as the cracks and divots formed perfect segments. The surface hardened well past leather and then bone, creating a tough oval that covered Ed's entire back... a half shell.

Pablo ran his fingers up and down his chest as it underwent a similar transformation. His brown skin grew lighter and lighter, giving way to a reddish color and then yellow. The skin over his pectorals hardened first, becoming oddly flat. Another segment hardened just beneath, crossing the top half of his stomach... then the bottom half hardened as well. A deep crevice ran down the center and between each segment, creating six armored cells across Pablo's chest, contrasting with the thick megalithic shell on his back. Pablo suddenly doubled over as his tailbone throbbed and began stretching out, tugging the flesh with it. As the brown flesh stretched it turned green, creating a triangular nub of a tail wriggling behind the mutating teenager.

Ed moaned softly as the last of his shell hardened and the aching faded away. Without that intense experience, the sensation moving through his system was almost euphoric. He wiggled his toes but soon realized he had only two, his foot formed into a big of a long v shape. His head was smooth and muzzled, his chest and back were covered in shall, he could feel the tiny triangular tail wiggling above his butt... and then came a most intense throbbing. Ed panted as his biceps and triceps began to swell. The muscles in his leg bulged as well. His shoulders widened, his wrists thickened, even his neck grew wider with muscle. Ed's eyes widened just a bit to work in perfect harmony with his new face. The hundred pound teenager had gained so much shell and muscle that he had to way almost double, but his muscles were so strong that it likely wouldn't be a problem at all.

Nearby, Pablo had experienced the same growth and changing sensation... but more than anything, he was getting used to his improved eye sight. Even in the dark of the sewer pipe he was able to make out everything from the contours and seams of the pipe to where the green ooze had flowed to where Ed was and just how much he had changed. He swallowed a bit, looking over his best friend. He missed Ed's long blond hair, but he was so... big now... so muscled and strong, so unique and exotic... and Ed's wiggling tail just drew attention to his tight green pucker peeking out from between his muscled rounded butt cheeks. Pablo moaned as blood rushed into his manhood.

The brown shaft had been a modest length before, but as the green pigmentation rushed down the length it began to swell, growing wider and longer at an astonishing rate. Pablo nearly collapsed in pleasure as it grew to its full size and kept growing. Six inches, seven, eight... as wide as a soda can, then wider. His balls were swelling as well, growing from the size of kiwis to oranges, then larger. His green sack was tight as the balls grew more massive and pearly precum began leaking from his cock. The green pigment chased the brown coloring all of the way to the head of his larger shaft where it tapered off, leaving just a trace of the original color... but dwarfed the original size. As Pablo's cock reached eleven inches, he wrapped all six fingers around it and started jerking off furiously.

"Dude, you alright bro?" Ed managed to ask before rolling over, gasping when he saw his friend wanking his meat like a fiend. Ed's eyes were wide in shock, but he was also turned on. Ed shuddered as his own cock started to swell and grow and the pleasure was intense. Ed licked his lips with a huge tongue as he saw it swell before he blushed green with an idea. Rising up onto his knees, Ed dipped his swelling shaft into the green ooze collected on the base of the storm drain. As he pulled his slime covered shaft out of the puddle, it was almost as if his flesh absorbed it. The last of the creamy peach skin was replaced by tougher turtle hide and the cock began to stretch at an astonishing rate. Ed began to masturbate furiously as his cock stretched past six inches, eight, eleven, thirteen... Veins spread over the length as it grew wider and wider, leaving Pablo's in the dust.

"As if being a horny teen wasn't hard enough, you had to super charge it..." Pablo panted, so turned on.

"Can you blame me, doing it right in front of me?" Ed grunted.

"You're saying I turned you on?" Pablo asked in surprise, still unable to stop jacking off.

"Yes!" Ed admitted, grunting, "You... always have..." he panted. Pablo was even more shocked at that admission. Without warning, Pablo rushed forward and knocked Ed onto his back. Their green turtle muzzles came together in a long repressed, intimate kiss. Ed put his much larger tongue to good use, plunging it into Pablo's mouth for their first make-out. Their shells clattered a bit as they pressed chest to chest but soon their achingly hard cocks were rubbing together, throbbing with heat and vitality. They linked their mutated hands, humping and grinding, bringing their erections to new levels before they linked hands, wide turtle fingers interlocking. Hot jets of precum splattered over their yellow shelled bellies from their hot cocks, but the pleasure was reaching its breaking point.

"I need you." Pablo muttered, pushing off of Ed, turning around. Ed was confused why Pablo would need him and then move to leave, at least until he received a face full of cock and balls. Ed grinned wide.

"Righteous dude!" Ed said before his muzzle went wide and he slurped up Pablo's cock like a pro, wrapping his muzzle around it, sucking hard as his head bobbed up and down. Pablo grunted in bliss as he felt his cock taken in by his long time crush. The strangeness of the day just seemed to melt away. It wasn't like they had lost any families and they had gained each other, Pablo didn't care in the slightest what had allowed it to happen so long as it did. Pablo opened his mouth wide and came down on Ed's huge cock. Even with his wider mouth, Ed was quite large. Pablo sucked and slurped, moving until the head of Ed's green cock brushed the back of his throat. He nearly gagged for a moment before he relaxed his throat and began taking Ed in deeper.

The two mutant turtles sucked each other off, bobbing up and down. Ed had to suppress a giggle as he realized that Pablo's salty pre would have made a fantastic topping on his favorite pizzas, but he was even happier to get it right from the source. Ed covered Pablo's cock with his wide, long tongue until it dripped with saliva. He guzzled down every drop of juice and reached to fondle his fellow mutant's ample green balls. Pablo reciprocated in kind, taking Ed's shaft deep into his throat, letting his friend use it like a fuck sleeve.

The minutes passed, the sun set and night fell across the city. The dim light of boats on the river glimmered in the distance but for the turtles, all that mattered was each other. They had been getting better at pacing, slowing down just before orgasm to make it last, but their hunger and lust for each other made waiting harder and harder until Pablo moaned, sending vibrations along Ed's cock. It was the only warning he had before he received a mouth full of thick, hot turtle cum. He gulped it down and licked Pablo clean, using gentle licks as he knew his friend would be hyper sensitive after cumming like that... and then Ed realized what he had just done. He had gulped down the sperm of his childhood friend... and the idea was so sexy that he shuddered, his large eyes rolling into the back of his head as his own balls tugged up to his body and his cock pulsed.

Pablo clamped down tight around Ed's cock as he felt it ready its load before thick hot ropes of turtle sperm filled his mouth and pumped down his throat. One, two, three, four... the cum seemed endless but Pablo didn't mind. He drank it all down, letting it fill his stomach, filling him with a warmth and delight and bliss that he had never known. Even once Ed had finished his orgasm, Pablo kept sucking. He continued to nurse his friend's shaft until it was only half hard again before finally pulling off. He licked his lips before gasping for breath, realizing that he hadn't breathed in... what seemed like forever.

"Dude, how long did you hold your breath?" Pablo whispered.

"One hour and twenty two minutes." Ed replied. Pablo flinched.

"You counted?" He asked, worried.

"Nah brah, I totally made it up. You're a totally bodacious fuck!" Ed exclaimed, moving over to grab Pablo's head and kiss him deeply, their tongues slathering against one another. Pablo melted into the kiss, reaching up to hold Ed's head, caressing the smooth green skin with wide fingers. Ed spread his legs and sat down on Pablo's lap, straddling his friend so they were groin to groin. After several more minutes, Ed broke the kiss.

"So, what do you think about it?" he asked.

"About us?" Pablo asked. Ed rolled his eyes.

"No, about being hunks in a half shell." Ed grinned. Pablo looked at Ed before smiling.

"Never looked better dude." Pablo said. Ed grinned.

"I'm jealous you got to keep your stache." He said. Pablo looked confused once more before reaching up. Sure enough there were the faintest strips of invisible fuzz on either side of his nostril slits. Pablo smirked.

"Well, we're both manly in our own way." Pablo smiled.

"What do you- Oh yeah." Ed said, grinning when he looked down at his massive cock.

"So are we going to... just stay this way?" Pablo asked. Ed looked up at the drain that had unleashed the ooze on them.

"We could figure out what caused this, but... we're still orphans, we still got stealth skills... We could run around at night, getting by, stop jerks like Steve." Ed said.

"This is a new beginning for us." Pablo said softly.

"We should get cool nicknames!" Ed grinned, looking around before he gave a laugh of triumph and found the pizza box. He pulled out the last piece, snapped up half of it in his mouth before offering the other half to Pablo. Pablo shook his head, contemplating. Ed eagerly scarfed down the last piece before letting out a murmur of bliss.

"I was named Pablo Ruiz after Picasso..." Pablo said finally.

"Picasso... Mi casso su casso! Me likey!" Ed grinned.

"What about you?" Pablo asked. Ed grew a little more solemn.

"Promise not to laugh dude?" Ed asked. Pablo smirked.

"We just mutated into teenage turtles... What could you tell me that would make me want to laugh more than that?" Pablo asked. Edgar took a deep name.

"I've always hated my name... But my mom loved the painter Edgar Degas... French impressionist." Ed admitted.

"Degas.... I dig Degas." Pablo said to put his friend at ease.

"You did a me!" He said before leaning forward, kissing his friend deeply. When the kiss broke, they both smiled.

"So from this point on you're Degas." Pablo said.

"And you're Picasso, though I'll probably just call you casso. Better than Pica, you'd sound like a stupid pokemon." Degas grinned.

"Oh you know that stuff is made up Dega." Casso smirked, shortening the French accent to make it easier to say. He gave Dega a quick peck on the cheek before the two moved to stand up. Casso looked around, "We'll need to find something to protect our anonymity, maybe cover up our intimates. Dega groaned.

"Do we have to? I love your janglies!" Dega said, reaching over to fondle Casso. The darker turtle blushed as he grew half hard again.

"C'mon dude, we'll get to do that soon enough... but we should go find out what that stuff is." Casso said. Dega pushed Casso into the wall, gazing into his eyes, reaching around to run his finger over his friend's tight pucker.

"Are you sure? Cause... I'm ready to show you what turtle power is all about." He whispered. Casso shuddered and blushed before he licked his lips.

"Really?" he asked softly. Dega grinned wide. Slowly Casso turned around, lifting his tiny turtle tail. Dega gave himself a few strokes and his cock was back at full mast. He smirked to himself before leaning down, scooping up some of the last of the ooze that had spilled. He spread it over Casso's hole. The ooze soaked in and the turtle's pucker started to throb and pulse, growing new muscles as it craved to be filled. With that as lubricant, Dega pushed the head of his cock to his friend's ass and started to push in. Casso spread his fingers against the wall, bracing against it as he moaned out in absolute bliss. Experimentally, Dega got a good grip of Casso's shell and then pushed forward.

Inch after inch of green turtle cock plunged into Casso's ass before Dega pulled back and did it again. He thrust in and out, picking up pace before the head of his shaft found Casso's prostate. As the turtle meat slammed into the organ, a huge blinding wave of pleasure washed through Casso. Drool escaped the corners of his lips as his cock came back to full erection. He reached down to jack off while Dega filled him, his mind becoming drunk with lust. Dega picked up pace, the two turtles swaying forward and back with the force of the thrusts.

Dega studied every inch of his boyfriend; from his round brownish green skull to the thick curve of his shell, from his muscles arms to his wide legs, from his amazingly large feet to his perfect ass cheeks. He was a piece of art, a true inspiration and a true beauty. All the 80's slang in the world failed to portray how much Dega cared about Casso so he'd just have to show him. Dega ground and thrust, trying to bring Casso as much pleasure as possible. Casso's voice was growing hoarse from the moans, unable to hold back.

Thick hot jets of semen splattered against the storm drain wall as Casso came again, surprised by his stamina and volume. Something told him being a mutant teenage turtle was going to be a whole lot of fun. He shuddered before he started focusing on returning the favor to Dega. He began working his new muscles, clamping down around the turtle cock in his ass, giving it an intense massage. It was random at first, but soon Dega felt as if his cock was being pulled into his mate, milked and massaged. Dega tried to hold on, fighting the friction, trying to make the lust last but he was too far gone. He called out in bliss and his shaft unleashed another thick hot load, pumping Casso's ass full of turtle cum. Casso nearly collapsed against the wall before grinning.

"Bodacious..." he whispered.

"Tubular..." Dega replied, the both breaking into laughter. Slowly Dega pulled out of Casso and turned him around, the two exchanging one more kiss. Dega put an arm around Casso and they started walking toward the entrance to the tunnel, picking up their skateboards along the way. They knew that no matter what happened that they would have each other... and the entire city was about to become their playground. They moved out of the tunnel and over to the base of the road, gazing out at the cityscape glowing brightly, shimmering beneath the stars. They knew that, at last, they had truly felt at home...