
The war is part of human nature and personality. Throughout history, people fought battle over the intertribal, international and cultural. With the passage of years has not only changed but also ways to fight this war being waged. It all started with...

"Family Tails" - Chapter 40

# Chapter 40 Ron and Lupina celebrated their sixty-second wedding anniversary on 01 January 2075, surrounded by family and friends. Cormac and his wife/mate Annie, Sierra and her husband/mate Dakota, Chrys Ann and her husband/mate Steve, Violet and...


As I awaken on a vast, abandoned field of tulips, I gaze my eyes upon the sky above me. What it would feel like to fly again. As that thought crossed my mind, I winced as my left wing felt shattered and in agony. Tears poured from my eyes as i knew...

Bulletproof Heart Chapter 1

**Chapter 1** **Save yourself, I'll hold them back** The tree trunk exploded as a laser bolt connected with it instead of the dark figure that it was intended for. The shooter, a Draculoid, ran through the snowy forest trying to catch up with its...

Random Combustion Day

1:Random Combustion Day Hello there. Yes you. I see you. In fact. I'm touching your paw. No the other one. Yes, I know it's creepy. But this is how the world works. Creepy things happen all the time. As you sit there with your tail, wagging in...

The Dragon in me: the true story of a boy and the dragon he held within

Chapter 1: The First Rising It's vague, but I remember the first of what we spirit roamers call "The First Rising" it was a crescent moon outside. this i remember most of all because even now 11 years after that first rising i love to go out before bed...

Una pequeña historia de un lobo de secundaria...

Una tarde calida, normal, como caulquier otra, estaba sentado en su pupitre un cachorro de lobo llamado kegluneq, mirando atravez de la ventana, imaginandose libre de cualquier pena o problema, olvidandose de aquellos quienes le hacian sentirse mal con...

Wolf hound special ops: the three wolfs (cap.3)

III Animals of War escapa Aunque las creaciones del doctor Hemerich tenían mucha inteligencia, la parte de animal que había en ellos los dominaba súbitamente, haciendo que la ira y la sed de sangre los dominará, en el cambio genético, se...

Wolf hound special ops: the three wolfs (cap.2)

II Vitrum nivei. Es egoísta pensar que en la enormidad del cosmos, la Tierra sea el único mundo que alberga vida. La pregunta es, ¿qué tan lejos está el planeta con vida más cercano? ¿Qué creerías si supieras que hay un décimo mundo en nuestro...

Wolfs Hound Special Ops: the three Wolfs (capitulo 1)

I Proyecto: Soldados Genoma Estados Unidos: Una de las más grandes potencias del mundo logró alcanzar lo inimaginable: Con su poder científico-tecnológico lograron crear soldados más fuertes, combinando el genoma humano con el de los animales más...

My little friend

Story name: my little friend May 1st 2015 Oxnard California ( a 17 year old girl named Alex wakes up on a so not normal Friday) \* wakes up yawning sitting on her bed\* hm...that was a odd dream \* as she sits on the edge of the bed putting on...

the tortured angels

The tortured angels "Wake up Miki, wake up Miki its time to wake up its time to go" as he open his eyes to the sweet sound of his mother's voice. Miki got up with his long black and purple hair covering his face and his mother says as she walks out...