The Dragon in me: the true story of a boy and the dragon he held within

Story by vixenchaser247 on SoFurry


#2 of The Dragon in me

This is a true tale of my dragon I hold within me. Through the years I've endured many hardships.

These are my stories I give to all who can understand the severity of possessing a beast within.

Chapter 1: The First Rising It's vague, but I remember the first of what we spirit roamers call "The First Rising" it was a crescent moon outside. this i remember most of all because even now 11 years after that first rising i love to go out before bed and just stare at the moon for a minute or two. I seem to get an accelerated heart beat along with a strange feeling of remorse, but to me, looking at it just helps relieve the stress of the day. I remember that, on my way in, i heard what i still don't understand to be a strange voice calling out to me. as i stopped and looked about the front yard, i began to hear it speak, "Your time to awaken is now..." To be honest at first i was shocked and unsure of what i had just heard. i walked inside dismissing the thought that someone was communicating to me. Therefore, i went back inside, lied on my bed and tried my best to forget all about what had happened just six minutes before. as i closed my eyes i felt a strange presence within my room. i looked around, but, nothing. nothing to be found. i was beginning to worry about my mental stability- thinking that i was either crazy or had schizophrenia. i once again shut my eyes, this time falling asleep. it must have been about 42 minutes or so (at least to the extent of my clock's reading). i remember feeling really nauseous, like i was about to vomit.i quickly stood up, but my condition extended to me feeling light-headed. i fell to my knees, writhing with the pain in my stomach. i stood back up, only to fall back to the floor i crawled to the doorway, attempting to grab my walking stick. however i wasn't able to get a grip on it. my hand went right through it. i looked at my body after rolling over onto my back. i looked just as i did before i went to bed, (unlike how most people picture a spirit). what happened next quite puzzled me. as i blinked my eyes, the room had vanished in that split second. i seemed to be floating to the extent of my knowledge, as though i was in space, with stars around me, but with a few constellations mapped out like a connect the dots page in a coloring book for kids. i began to rotate, becoming right side up. as i looked down i saw a bright light. all that went through my mind was that i had to have been dead, but as i passed through the light, what i saw made my idea of what was happening change in an instant.