CANIDITY: Chapter One

Even top-tier scientific research facilities have fuck-ups occasionally, right? except he did not return.

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Order of Pengu #2

They entered a scientific research lab and approached the reception desk. aohd spoke with the male dormouse who sat at the computer. "hi, we are here to see ajana." "okay, do you have a last name?" asked the mouse. "no sir, i do not."

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Winterfall - The Dark Mile

"based on records we have from before the disaster i do pick up a scientific research station somewhere north of our current position but we can't reach it with the train.

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In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 12.5) BONUS

research ship] - flag vessel: hmsmv st michael), serving strength 20,000.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 8.5c, The Great Illusion

"the university reserves body for dissection and scientific research just as often as it fulfills the final wishes of the deceased....

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The Shattered World - Concept

With the ozone at its thinnest in recorded history and private business having far too much say in scientific research to fatten their profit margins, it was only a matter of time before things lined up for the perfect shitstorm.

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A Strange World Chapter 2

"we are scientific researchers, we were brought here to study the alien." krystal said. "alien? you are the aliens." i said. "you are the one that crashed on our planet, that makes you the alien." she said. "i guess you're right." i said.

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Life as a anthro chapter 2 alex the unfortunate elven

Alex was a eleven living in the city "zansa" a very rich city that focus's on urban development and scientific research, however there are a lot of people poor in the city and the mayor doesn't seem to care.

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The Prince and the Dragon 2- Puberty

I say as i keep myself from using larger words, remembering that he is from a planet that was still in the medieval age that had the bare minimum of scientific research. it's strange how human history repeats itself without background knowledge.

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History, from The First to Second Great War

Unable to spark another local or civil war, many begin to pool their monies into civil scientific research.

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Outbreak - Feral Lizard TFs

According to news reports earlier on in the day, an experimental batch of an unknown gas that had been worked on in some kind of scientific research lab had leaked during transport from one lab to another, and it was reported that those who had been exposed

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