Footnotes of a Life 4: Propositions part 2

The "augmented" causing a rift in society and stir the beginnings of an augmented segregation movement. 2154 ad after a world-renowned celebrity undergoes genetic modification many wealthy began to get modified, genetic modification becomes a fad. 2155

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Change of Body-Pt9

Enjoy~ --- 09:13:01 am (hh/mm/ss) --- - [haringale facility of biological research & genetic modification / subject r&r ward] - doctor james motioned at the door, nodding towards garrin.

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Change of Body-Pt6

. --- 11:43:20 pm (hh/mm/ss) --- - [haringale facility of biological research & genetic modification / hod of genetics office] - _clackity-clakity-clack-clackity-clack._ _tic-tick. clackity. clunk-clunk-clunk-clunk.

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Change of Body-Pt10

--- 04:31:10 pm (hh/mm/ss) --- - [haringale facility of biological research & genetic modification / subject r&r ward] - fione packed up the camera, much to garrin's relief.

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War tails of the white Wolf (Ch 5) The Freelancer

They had genetic modifications and such but survival rates were insanely low; they would have a survival percentage of about 0.5%, and yet people would go and get such genetic modifications.

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Change of Body-Pt8

. --- 08:27:58 am (hh/mm/ss) --- - [haringale facility of biological research & genetic modification / subject r&r ward] - the lead researcher finished setting up the camera, testing the mic and pulling out valuble notes.

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Encased and Changed

The genetic modifications induce a state of heightened arousal, making me constantly aware of my sexuality. every thought, every feeling, is tinged with a sense of eroticism.

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Assorted Naerian Histories

Full blown genetic modification hit the fashion scene shortly after. contrary to what you might think the modifications stayed tame. forethought had put in place limits before bad or strange things could happen.

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The new dinosaur (part 13)

He said "genetic modification" "go on" i said "we want something bigger, louder and with more teeth!" replied a investor "so your a jurassic world fan too?"

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Cock Milking Explaining

genetic modification was one of them. every fiery born would be one of three different factions of producer. normal, mass, or mega producer. every litter was genetically modified to have two of each kind of producer.


Mesozoic Park (Part 11)

After introductions, we went straight to business, one investor simply stated "we need more dinosaurs and i think it's time for genetic modification" i sighed "let me guess... bigger, louder, more teeth?"

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Tactical Insertion

She'd even been given a special breeding suite in all her genetic modifications, making her extraordinarily fertile, incredibly able to bounce back from a pregnancy, and compatible with just about every modification on the human genome.

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