Ventaar species

They have a layered caste system. starting with two primary classes. warrior and worker class. where a citizen is placed is determined by a combination of many factors.

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Forging Thoth's Daughter: Notes

Both societies of course were already far less stratified than that of the indian caste system which was the indo-aryan attempt to keep their indian holdings after their conquest of the gangetic plain or even early china were the emperor was not a mere avatar

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The Captain is Dead

Even if the caste system of my people had been 'officially' abolished on the joint human-yeou ans _nightingale_, the yeou still practiced it anyways.

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Ownership - [2]

If our life isn't any different from before, why the whole caste system, right? i know it's stupid-- but i have no answer for that, i'm sorry." lyle couldn't do much more than smile weakly. "it's just... how it is.

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Para-Imperium Core Worlds

Specialized by repeated cloning into an effective caste system, and their soldier castes suddenly extinct, the surviving spps arcologies found themselves helpless against new pallas occupation forces.


Anthropia 10

Common peasants subjugated each other purely based on species and diet, it wasn't just between different caste systems! still, the last glimmer of hope for difference that he had clung to had all been a big misunderstanding.

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Shadows of Elysium, Mechanics explanations

Spider: these people historically view assassination as a legitimate way to move up their caste system, and did not integrate perfectly into the elven empire.

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Gene of the Lamp

Or is there a different caste system these days?" the coyote got back to his feet, inching slowly away from the strange being. "what... what are you?" he asked warily, his tan fur bristling.

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Yskra the Endowed Drake

In the caste system, are they higher up?" "yes and no. the caste system is very loose.

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The Final Battle

He was unsure of what caste these guards were, or even how the republic of pallas' caste system was organized, but most taur clans in schwarswelt were serfs, and he could not help thinking that he was being told off by a mere peasant.

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The wastes

And the deathclaws in fallout tactics the horns went back not forward, and deathclaws are technically mammals (or at least i think so because of the fur) and lastly the caste system for a deathclaw society is like that of a wolf it's pack based.

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Chapter 18 - End of the line! The Duel between Men! (Part 1)

Humans were welcome, but rare, since the majority were hated for being on the top of the caste system. no one seemed to care too much and went back to their food and laughter over previous successful jobs.

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