Yskra the Endowed Drake

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#6 of My Tribal Yskra Affliction

A curious dragon by the name of Valk goes searching for a rather notorious tribe that has been resisting expansion of other empires into their jungle domain with incredible success, yet so little is known about them publicly. She hopes to change that with an anthropological study. The field work gets more rigorous than expected... but that's the fun of it all, right?

Valkyrie belongs to FA: Hydrawave and Yskra to FA: BalefirePhoenix. The rest are dredged from our collective imaginations.Previous | First | Next

Walking along a ridge near the river, I observe the surrounding jungle actively for signs of danger and keep my ears perked. The sounds of animals and insects in the trees both near and far are loud with the grey sky promising rain before long. Tall with a broad shouldered frame and muscled physique, my fur is predominantly purple in color thanks to my heritage, near white along my belly and tail underside, and darker in stripes upon my back and the mane spanning from head to tail tip. Near obsidian sleeves cover the forearms and legs below the knee. Two lightly curved, white horns poke out of my hair, flanked by two large, triangular ears. My eyes are slitted and blueflame in color, and to round off my appearance is a draconic snout full of sharp.

My tail is thick and ends in a large plume of fur that has proved invaluable as a distracting target while warding off beasts found in this jungle. I wear thick travel clothes with a leather coat and a rucksack packing only the essentials, a large blue scarf wrapped around my neck and draped over one shoulder like a half cape. The ground underfoot is soft and wet with water from recent rain, vines and all manner of organic hazards in the way.

Frowning at a particular fork in one of the rivers and wondering if I didn't ford the second time like I thought I didn't need to, my foot catches a tree branch, and I am thrown entirely off balance. I grab a thick vine but the moment my weight hits it, the mossy wood proves to be thoroughly dead and crumbles beneath my fingers. I hit the ground tumbling down the ridge and straight into the dark, muddy river. The current immediately pulls me along as I gasp and push myself back to the surface. In a path fraught with branches and small rocks along a fast current, I see my map and desperately paddle to grab it, just barely gripping it between my fingers when something big locks onto my tail.

The rushing water suddenly turns to a blur as I'm pulled down and then forward. The sound is a loud roar in my ears as powerful fins buffet the water, slamming me against drowned logs and submerged tree roots. I miss the next couple but succeed in snatching a sturdy branch and hauling myself to the surface. I catch a brief look at a gigantic fish before heaving myself free of the river and grabbing my tail, unceremoniously slamming the cheeky beast into a tree trunk with a loud crack of bone. Its jaw shattered, its mouth flops open with no small amount of my fur stuck in its teeth.

"Normally," I grunt as I pull out a knife and summarily dispatch it with a stab to the brain, "My dinner doesn't try to eat me. But hey! Who am I to complain about finding enough food for a night."

With a sigh, I stand up straight and sluice myself of most of the water, growling to myself as I realize my map is long gone. I can still make it to the tribe. Probably. It's just going to be a lot of guesswork now. The map was over a decade old too and not the most reliably sourced, so it'll be no small wonder if I find nothing out here. I hear an unusual squawk and look up to see a colorful face and deep blue eyes staring down from a rope bridge high in the trees.

With a surprised tweet, they pull back and a hubbub of calls and cries erupt, quickly spreading through the trees as I pick out a complex array of paths and huts winding its way through the canopy. Some of it would be hard to see so high up were it not painted and adorned so lovingly. A few heavier footsteps rock the paths and three large forms slide down suddenly on ropes that are flung down.

Raptors all above two meters tall stare warily, a stone's throw distance away from me as they assess the situation. I can tell the fact I'm a head taller than even the biggest one is unusual for them.

"Greetings!" I wave friendly, "My name is Valk and I'm here on behalf of the Omnistudy Academy to study the Yskrian tribe."

They blink, taken aback by my fluent grasp of their language. I was told to expect that, but it's my turn to be surprised as they quickly relax and take their hands off the weapons hanging at their hips. Dressed in loincloths and painted with symbols, their dark feathers and fur are adorned with bone and a little bit of crystal jewelry, but what's unusual is they also wear sophisticated metal and leather armor across their vitals. And their weapons are also metal but made in their own style as if they have their own smiths with ready access to ore.

"We do not know of this Omnistudy Academy. State your agenda, outsider," The one in the middle says, a male shorter than the other two but clearly the leader in this case.

"Study, in the anthropological sense. Hmm. Did I use the right word there?"

"The study of peoples and their cultures, yes, we are familiar. I find this hard to believe. Where on the maps of your people is this country found?"

"Oh, no, we're no country; a school, of sorts, that maintains a large library of information we collect."

"Ah. An institution. Yes. I've heard such talk from the traders. Though they usually wait at the outskirts of the forest..."

"I tried for days to get them to introduce me, but they refused. One even threatened me."

"Mmm. I suppose I should have expected that answer. It doesn't surprise me since many foods we trade are not found outside this jungle. There's 'money' to be made in it, apparently."

"You say that like you dislike currency."

"That's because we do. We find your system far too... barbaric."

"Interesting. I would love to hear more, but I don't suppose we can do it off the forest floor?"

"I was about to suggest this. Come along. The chief would have my head if I didn't make sure he laid eyes on you anyways."

"I'll be meeting the chief?"

"The sooner the better for the sake of my hole. I should hope you can climb if you can fell a river daemon, yes?"

The sake of his hole? I don't think he's being metaphorical. I suppose it's to be expected from a people so sexually charged as the Yskrians.

"Something like that. Is this fish valuable by chance?" I query.

"Very. Bring it as an offering."

With that, the blunt raptor begins to climb back up the vine he came down on, the other two following his example. With a shrug, I hook a clawed thumb under the fish's jaw and follow up the leader's vine. It quickly becomes apparent I'm faster at this when I have to slow down. Self-conscious, he then pushes himself to go faster and is somewhat out of breath as we reach the top.

"So, how is the idea of the goods and services backed behind the promise of a governing body a barbaric practice to you?" I question as I haul myself onto the walkway.

"Simple. Each member puts a fair amount of work into the tribe and in turn the tribe supplies their needs and wants."

"Really? No privilege at all?"

"Oh. No. There's a great deal of that."

"You're communal with a caste system, then?"

"Also not necessarily correct. Those who are deserving receive more."

"What necessitates deserving?"

"You really are one track minded..." He growls.

"And you seem very unsure how to answer basic questions of your society," I riposte.

His two companions chuckle as a small gathering of bird servants stare at us with moon wide pupils. In every color of the rainbow, some in between, some bland, some gaudy, and then a myriad of jewelry, tribal clothing, and paint on top of it, they are a short people no larger than a meter and a half tall. And every single one of them is gorgeous, male, female, or otherwise with a myriad of soft facial features and different beaks. With slim bodies, a coat of feathers, and thick skin along their forearms and legs below the knee, they're an overall meek bunch under my gaze.

"Sorry. I shouldn't be saying that in front of the lower caste, correct?" I ask.

"They know their place. It's nothing. Jaer, take over for her questions," The leader waves me aside as he walks on.

Jaer nods somberly, the largest of the three.

"I believe you were mostly correct. We are a communal tribe with a caste system, but the roles are not... unwilling. Everyone either likes their place or has room to work for a better one with greater rewards. Rewards more or less meaning one with high status can simply ask a craftsman or cook for things and they will more likely be given it freely, whereas a lazy fletcher would have to barter for it," He explains.

"Interesting. I've read the birds are you slaves. Are they happy with this arrangement?"

Stopping for a moment, the big raptor fondles the head of the nearest one, the bird cooing as he scratches under their chin and rubs their beak with a thumb.

"Yesss weeee arrre," The bird answers happily, appearing well fed and clothed.

"There you have it," The Jaer says and we continue on.

I continue a line of questioning with the big raptor until we come to a large hut built into the upper side of an ancient tree's trunk rather than on the side of it as most hovels. By then we've gathered a crowd of onlookers scurrying around us or watching from other platforms.

"I suppose a chief would have the largest home."

"This is the head shaman's," The leader corrects me before he knocks on the door. "She'll have the mount we need to bring you to his palace."

"His what now?"

"This is not normal to us either. A very new development. You'll see," Jaer assures.

A tall figure opens the door and I'm not sure what I expected. But. It was not this. A tall female raptor stands at entrance, stepping out slowly into the sunlight that filters between the leaves and shines off of silver feathers and thick scales covering a heavily muscled body. She wears only an ornate loincloth, her chest flat but bearing broad pectoral muscles. Her eyes are a rich royal purple with diamond shaped pupils, and a sleek mane of heavy fur grows down her neck and to the shoulders, intermixed with large feathers. Bearing a long snout like the other raptors, hers ends in a sharp beak, reminiscent of certain wyverns or drakes.

Her tail swishes behind her, at least as long as she is tall with plate scales and several large blades jutting out near its end.

"Ah, an outlander," She sighs with a small, informal wave. "Well, you're not in shackles, so why are you here?"

The shaman speaks not in the Yskrian language to me but one of the common tongues of their outsider traders.

"She claims to want to study our culture," The leader raptor replies.

"Mmm. Well. That's a refreshing start. Maybe it will help. Maybe it will make our foreign relationships worse. Time will tell. I suppose you do not wish to travel on foot to the palace and so are leaving the girl with me?"

"That was the idea," He nods.

"Hmph. Fine. Off with you lot. Come in, dragoness."

Opening the door wide and motioning me inwards, I comply, and she shuts the door behind us. Tightly. The inside of the home is spacious with a small glass prism set into the roof filling the area with scattered sunlight. There is a small bedroom tucked down a hallway but otherwise the entire area is dedicated to storage of herbs or countertops and equipment where they can be utilized. Much of it is far more advanced than I would have expected, utilizing glass and metal components. At least some of it is even modern.

"You've taken great strides to catch up with alchemy."

"Indeed. I have a certain contact that helped me get most of the way there, but I'm proud to say I am now his equal in this matter. But enough about me, let's talk a bit about you."

She seats me by a small hearth to dry off. Built of stone and meticulously constructed to not let so much as a stray ember out where it might cause flame to spread, it still allows smoke to funnel away and is yet another surprisingly sophisticated thing for tribals. I get the feeling the Yskrians aren't going to be considered primitive for much longer.

"What do you know about our chief, Yskra?" She asks, handing me a cup of tea. "Oh, where are my manners. I am Leiti. Whom am I addressing?"

"Valk. Some call me Valkyrie."

"Valkyrie... I've heard in passing that's a term for winged warriors, yes?"

"Correct. I used to be a mercenary before becoming a scholar, so the name stuck."

"Interesting. Usually, scholars become warriors only out of necessity, not the other way around."

"My blood cooled down eventually. Found I had a knack for studying behaviors. Here I am. Because anyone else was too scared to try."

"Yes. That would explain some. But back to what I originally asked."

"To answer your question, not much. I know he's a shrewd negotiator and an infamous warrior. And quite merciful when it comes to dealing with enemies and giving punishments. But that's mostly hearsay."

"That's all true. He's also quite vain and incredibly amorous. Be prepared to deal with that. But play his game, him or his harem can answer anything you wish to know. If you would not want that, I can see you safely returned to the jungle outskirts; as it stands, outsiders cannot remain with the tribe without the chief's explicit and immediate consent. We've had too many 'incidents'."


"Theft. Attempted violence. Essentially, attempts to give justification to attack us."

"I see. Well... perhaps getting a bit pampered after all the walking to get here would be nice."

"... I expected you to be much more indignant to the idea, but it is your choice. The fish saves us a great deal of time, so grab it and step onto the balcony over there. Hold your forearms above your head. Vorkai, one of our guardians, will transport you to Yskra's palace."

"Alright," I say, finishing my tea and shouldering my things before stepping out onto the balcony and doing as she instructed. "Like th-ISSSSS!?"

My voice turns shrill as large talons wrap around my arms and I'm hoisted into the air by a gigantic eagle, their wings rapidly beating at an almost uncanny rate as the forest races below us. I don't recall letting go of my prize, but it has already found its way into the beast's beak, securely clamped shut within its confines. They suddenly stop with a heavy beat that sends wind ripping through the canopy. Almost carelessly, I'm dropped onto a stony platform, the great bird disappearing into the distance just as quickly as it appeared. All in all, that took less than a minute and yet I get the feeling I've made a three-day journey. And am more or less disheveled in every meaning of the word from being blasted by air currents.

The platform juts out the side of an honest to fucking palace, surrounded by jungle on all sides and with a waterfall nearby flowing through an aqueduct into it. Composed of five levels, the top has just one room overlooking the entire jungle and descends into a massive hanging garden before dropping to three much wider structural levels with columns bearing the load of the third floor upon the second. There's enough fruit trees and flowering plants growing on it that it would blend into the surrounding terrain despite its sheer height if it wasn't festooned with a full array of gorgeous colors, all kept irrigated by small channels cut into the exterior that water flows down.

"Oi!" A woman shouts in the shade where she lounges in a small pool below a sloped stone veranda. "Did Leiti not give you warning either?"

A kind looking woman, she is an older looking bird very much resembling a hawk, tall like the raptors but slimmer with russet feathers and a deep chestnut down. Her eyes are a deep amber and she's smiling cheekily, taloned fingers hooked around a mango in one hand and some kind of cracker with an herb spread in the other.

"No. Not really. Seemed in a rush to get through pleasantries and be rid of me."

"Sounds about right. Believe me, she's got her reasons for who she is. And I can see why she sent you our way."

"So I've been hearing. How so?"

"You're very pretty and very much to the chief's tastes already, and to double that he's been rather fixated with dragons lately. A full one out of legend as it were, but having a slightly smaller like yourself as well... I think he'd quite enjoy that."

"I'm warmed up to the idea... if he's worth my time in such a sense."



"Oh. Nothing really. That's just what the dragon herself said too. In any case, I should probably get out of my little hotspring with lightning and all that on the way. And show you to the royal feather ruffler."

Standing up and stretching out without a scrap of clothing on, she takes a moment to dry herself with a towel and throws it over her shoulder before tossing the mango to a flock of nearby parrots and motioning that I follow. Inside the temple it is lit with glowing crystals set into the wall, the air growing cooler as we walk deeper inside. I notice a lack of guards but plenty of staff cleaning the floors of dust and debris from the canopy, no small shortage of pets in the form of colorful parrots and small voracious mammals feasting on any bugs or vermin foolish enough to enter the palace.

"Are warriors only stationed on the first floor?" I ask, noticing most of the servants are birds and not raptors.

"They all work on a rotation of tasks to break monotony, you see. This includes hunting and training. All of these lovely dears are proficient fighters. So, in a sense, guards are stationed at every conceivable place in the palace."

"Interesting. So. In the caste system, are they higher up?"

"Yes and no. The caste system is very loose. Most raptors acknowledge these birds are skilled fighters and treat them more honorably accordingly. After all, it is very much legal to take action against an abuser, bird or raptor. "

"Intriguing. So. There's nothing stopping the birds from fighting back?"

"Not a thing. There are a few that are equals such as myself. But most like their place below. We are a submissive people while in the care of the raptors."

"I've been told this. I suppose I'll believe it more and more as time goes on. What separates you from the rest?"

"Oh, I'm a childhood friend of Yskra, the only one with enough of a spine to kick him in the royal-highness if he needs it, and I suppose an advisor. Perhaps he rubbed off on me enough I just don't care for a dominant hand. But I like to think it's the other way around. In any case, I like to live a quieter life and if I let the raptors decide everything for me, I'd be dealing with constant inconveniences and interruptions."

She stops in front of a door and knocks a few times before opening it, revealing a lavish meeting room. A giant and broad shouldered raptor with white and black feathers is currently speaking to a smaller but still stout reptilian figure, a hydra by the appearance of their many fins and huge, flat tail. Many small yellow feathers cover his snout and grow in a crown around the raptor's head, his large tail also ending in a similarly vibrant bundle of pinions.

The two stop to look at us and both cock their heads, intrigued. They're both clothed very casually in elaborately decorated loincloths.

"You have a visitor, Yskra. An outlander. Her name is Valk and Leiti saw fit to transport her here by wing."

"Indeed?" Yskra croons, a deep bassy voice as he combs large talons through the salt and pepper feathers along his neck. "Thank you Arra. But please, don't let us keep you from your afternoon massage."

"And you won't," Arra smirks, nodding to me as she steps back and leaves me to enter, closing the door behind myself.

"Please, come sit with us," The hydra beckons.

His scales are light blue with a white underbelly, blue strips marring the sides of his body and long snout. The fins themselves are works of art in their own right, shot through with gold and blue and bordered by a color similar to water at midnight. His eyes are unexpectedly intense, both iris and sclera a vibrant citrine color with large slitted pupils.

Strolling over, I set my rucksack down by the table and sit with them, low to the floor on a pillow as they both are.

"Greetings Yskra annnd...?"

"Call me Zaryl."

"Yskra and Zaryl," I correct myself. "I'm Valk as mentioned. I'm here on behalf of the Omnistudy academy to perform an anthropological study of your tribe, should you allow it."

"Truly? That is a very interesting prospect. Congratulations on being the first to attempt to do so."

"I think it goes without saying the Yskrians have a reputation. I just choose to ignore the stereotype in the hope it is wrong."

"And you are brave enough to do so on your own. Commendable," Yskra smiles warmly.

"Thanks," I say, returning his smile and practically feeling my diplomacy professor breathing fire down my neck for being so informal. "I was told before I begin, I needed your approval to live with the tribe so I might meet this goal."

"Indeed. You carry only minimal weapons and are clearly more refined than the average 'adventurers' we've hosted before, so I see no reason why not to allow it now. But first, please fill me in on the details, yes?"

I do so, explaining the process, lines of questioning I will conduct, and what I seek to understand. It's a prepped explanation so it doesn't take long, but there's this sparkle in his eyes and a certain something to his body language I find charming. He catches on and eventually begins to anticipate half of what I will say, nodding along nonetheless.

"I would very much like to see what your views on my society are. But I will need to see the final manuscript before I can allow it. With many outlander countries trying to encroach on our jungle, it has become necessary for me to be overly cautious," He says.

"I intend to write of your tribe in the best light I may possible. There will be no slander."

"That's not my concern. Besides, there's so much of that already, what's one more paper of controversy against us, eh? I'm... hesitant because it may be used to create strategies against us. There might be details to be nipped here and there. I have no intention of rewriting your work, simply modifying it so that I can rest easy at night knowing I did not put an arrow in the quiver of my enemies."

"How could that possibly be done?"

"Your society you come from. Is it that of elected officials or kings and queens?"

"Mostly the foremost. The latter are of a ceremonial position only now."

"Do they appreciate having detailed accounts of their entire power structure, down to the names of every person involved, available to their citizens?"

"No," I chuckle, "I suppose not."

"It's the same principle."

"Fair enough. Speaking of which, I do not think I am familiar with your people, Zaryl. May I ask for a broad strokes rundown?"

"Certainly! As the champion of my people, I am our emissary with the bastard Yskrians. We call ourselves the Fangs of the River, and we wish nothing more than to chop down their trees and oust them into the wider world."

"We'd drain your rivers in a heartbeat and bed both your men and woman to show them what real pleasure is!" Yskra retorts.

"Oh, and I suppose you'd do that with collars and leashes, eh?"

"But of course!"

"Remind me, who was the first to do start that tradition?"

"And who was the first to put it to any real use?"

"The restraints you use are of hydra make! If only you as the most powerful warrior of your tribe require them, yet us River Fangs consider that the standard quality, then I daresay we're far more skilled at the art than you flustered and flummoxed feather-skins!"

"How long were you holding in that one, fish breath?"

"You found it tasty the first time your tongue caressed mine! Why are you using it like an insult now of all times? Well, I guess I should expect that from a feathered yet flightless creature! Everything about you is extraneous!"

"And yet we're not exiles, are we? No one has pushed us out of our land!"

"Really? You're an invader into the home of the birds! If they were not exiles, your ancestors were the extra scraps tossed out because they were no good!"

At this point the two are standing, hands and arms locked over the table as they glare madly at each other with fierce grins that egg the other on.

"No good? I could have your ass right now on this floor!" Yskra snarls.

"Ah, yes, what a statement! The man who fucks a drama queen of a dragon for powers beyond even her comprehension can beat one lone hydra! Come on, Valk, clap for this truly honorable paragon of strength!"

"I was breeding you before this happened!"

"And each time we fought on your terms, on land where I am at a disadvantage, because your miserable, heavy, featherdown ass is so heavy it'd sink and drown!"

"Heavy ass? We've established yours is bigger than mine without the tail!"

"And apparently you just can't get enough of it! That raptor and bird harem not good enough? Starting to think hydras are the superior race?"

"Oh-ho-ho! Do you want to get ruined tonight?"

"I'm only hearing a yes and a yeeees!"

With a puff of steam hissing from Yskra's nostrils, the bigger raptor throws the hydra to the floor and puts his full weight down on him. Yet, even with all that strength the hydra staves him off, wrapping his large, finned tail around the chief's chest and throwing their weight to the right where he's suddenly on top. Yskra repeats the same maneuver, though his tail shorter and it's a more awkward reversal, and the two go on like this until Zaryl is on top once more and finds two heavily muscles hands clasping down on his shoulders, forcing him straight down onto a large, tapered, avian dick.

"Aghhh!" The hydra shrieks girlishly with tears visibly forming in his eyes as the unlubed shaft sinks to the base. "Y-you one track minded b-beast!"

All the fight goes out of the scaled one as he squirms in Yskra's arms, held tight against the chief's chest.

"Valk, could you grab me that bottle marked with blue paint in the cabinet over there?" Yskra asks me as I sit there, quite thoroughly entertained.

"I don't need your mercy..." Zaryl grumbles from the fluffy chest of the bigger fighter, yelping from a light hump into him. "I take it back! I take it back!"

"Hmm," I say as I stand up, rummaging around in it and coming up with not only the bottle but several balls of colorful, spicy smelling plant matter. "What are these?"

"Something for later," He winks, beckoning for the bottle.

It's made of some pretty thick glass so I casually underhand toss it to the raptor as I put the balls away. I can't help but notice what is a strap-on upon closer inspection, and a mischievous thought runs through my head with the extravagant solid amber dildo near it. I drop my pants to avoid getting them messy and affix the harness with a little room to spare, tightening the straps.

"What did you find ther- ohhh! I like how you think, dragoness!" Yskra laughs, prompting Zaryl to look up.

He looks intimidated at first, but relief is evident in his eyes as he's spun around to offer his rear to me. Moving forward, I crouch down in one movement, forcibly slapping the toy against the hydra's ass and drawing a sudden squeak from him. Wordlessly, Yskra hands me the bottle as he puts a hand on top of Zaryl's head, forcing his snout into the spot where the raptor's shaft meets the heavy, swinging orbs. The subservient warrior lavishes licks across the sensitive flesh, not meekly but with a practiced confidence.

Zaryl has already been prodded past the need for a loosening finger, so I spread an ample amount across the toy and pour an additional drizzle across his firm cheeks. Slowly, I pierce the tip in as I lean down across his back, purring as I do so that vibrations are sent across his body. And then I promptly slam the whole thing in. I was expecting another yelp, and instead I'm rewarded with a deep, loud moan even with one of Yskra's balls firmly filling Zaryl's mouth.

Neurons fire in my brain and I grin wolfishly, running my fingers down the hydra's back as I pull out and thrust back in again.

"That's what I love to hear, little guy! You're gonna take it for me like a good boy, yeah?"

I manage to catch an affirmative squeak from him as Yskra examines me again with new eyes, grasping our submissive boy firmly around the hips with my tail and continuing to run my fingers across his scales while I work up a quick, heavy pumping rhythm in his ass.

"You're so well trained! I can feel you gripping that toy. You wanted this, didn't you? No need to fuss love, I'll give it to you better than he ever could."

"Is that a challenge?" Yskra interjects.

"Mmmhm. You're familiar with how hard he climaxes by now, right?" I query and then add cheekily. "That is, you can get him off with only prostate stimulation, right?"


"If I can make him make more of a mess than you can, I get to keep this strap on. Deal?"

"Not so fast," Yskra smirks and then frowns as Zaryl's tongue begins to slow down as I work my magic, frying the poor pet's brain. "What do I stand to win?"

"The thing you wanted from the beginning: to plow me, chieftan."

"I'll get that anyways once you're done with him~"

"Oh, really now?"

"Really. I saw how you looked at me a second ago."

"I was thinking about testing your rump too, truth be told."

"Mmm, not my thing."

"Baah! Fine. So, I might need your cock then. Alright. I'll let you put one of those collars he was talking about on me."

"Hnnn-gh," He grunts, clearly aroused with the thought. "You're putting an awful lot of trust in my word."

"Do you mean to say I cannot not trust you as an honorable chieftain, Yskra?"


Thrusting now into Zaryl's mouth, Yskra huffs his breaths in and mounts the hydra's face without much grace, giving me all the insight I need to know I've already won my prize. Each of my humps rubs hard against Zaryl's prostate, making him feel every inch of its cool surface inside of him as I force its invading presence through his defenses again and again. This only spurs him on, lapping and slurping on the raptor's dick even though it's already thrusting hard enough into his throat I can hear the chief's balls buffeting against his chin.

Still, it's distracting Zaryl, and I instead opt to edge the hydra while he services Yskra. It isn't long until the feathered one grabs his shoulders to pump in short, hard bursts, cum bubbling out of Zaryl's mouth and soon out his nose as heavy gushes shoot down his throat and into the belly beyond. I can hear him struggle a little with the heavy load, but for the most part he dutifully gulps it down until the raptor is thoroughly drained. For the moment, anyways.

I pull Zaryl up and off the chief's dick to cuddle him against my chest, whispering in his ear, "It's your turn now, pet."

He moans as I push up into his still tight rump, forced to ride my lap to the last inch with my arms hooked under his shoulders and my teeth nibbling upon his neck while I whisper about the degenerate things I'm doing to him. He's tense, a low whine rising from the back of his throat as he tries to push his hips back into the toy but can't.

"Relax for me, and I'll give you everything you need~" I croon, fucking him harder as he complies.

I would eye Yskra knowingly, gloat a bit for my imminent victory but that would take my attention off the task at hand. Zaryl's shaft has finally slid out of its slit, drooling precum but still soft from being entirely neglected. I have no plans to change that, grinding harder and harder against his pleasure button with the pulse of his neck quickening under my fingers.

"You want it?"


"What do we say?"

"P-please! Please fuck me! Pleasepleaseplease...," He's flushed with shame but can't stop what he feels, continuing to beg quietly until I stick a few fingers in his mouth.

"Good boy. That's what I like to hear."

With him finally ready for it, I don't hold back and rut his hole in heavy pumps, slamming the tip into his prostate like a battering ram and enjoying all the cute squeaks and chirps issuing from him as Yskra looks on, first bafflement and then a grudging acceptance crossing his face as Zaryl's shaft begins drizzling and then hosing the floor. It's mostly clear at first but semen follows, and it coats him and the surrounding area, only getting worse as I shorten my thrusts to only mash against his abused pleasure point before I pull back out to do it again.

The poor hydra is delirious, murmuring incoherently and gasping in erratic breaths as I break him down into a shuddering mess. It's inevitable some gets over me, and I keep him cumming for a good minute and a half until his flow finally peters off. Only then do I grasp his ridged and spiked tool to stroke it firmly, drawing a weak coo from his mouth while I drain the last few shorts of cream from him. With his sexuality thoroughly confused, I enjoy cuddling with the warm pet while he tries to cobble back together his senses.

"So. How was that?" I snicker.

"I cannot even be upset. You have thoroughly outdone me. Consider the toy and the straps yours to keep. Not sure whenever I'll one up Leiti enough to get her to make me another one, but a deal once given... and all of that."

"Really? You wanted a dildo from her but don't like butt stuff?"

"Dildo? Do you mean false-dick?"

It's now my turn to laugh, "Is that what you call them?"

"Well. Artificial penis or crafted cock is harder to say."

"Sure. Sure. We just give false-dicks their own word."

"I see that. Perhaps we'll need enough in the future to be worth dedicating an arbitrary set of vocalized sounds to."

"So, you are upset you lost."

"_Correct!_I am rarely defeated. And most certainly never in the bedroom."

"First time for everything."

"Mmm. Never thought I'd be blue balled like this."

"I see," I chuckle, giving Yskra's chin a tap before unsheathing myself from the hydra. "All and all, I would say we're now very well acquainted."

"We could be a bit more..." Yskra trails off, placing a pillow underneath Zaryl's head.

"Do you mean to tell me you like sleeping partners too, chieftan?"

"Hah! No, they're too limp for my liking. I was going to suggest another bet."

"Truly? Eager to lose so soon again? What is it?" I smirk, running my fingers across the resting Zaryl's chest.

"Your needs haven't been met. Mine have. Let's say I can get you in a similar state to this fishy slut in ten minutes. If I can, your breeding rights are mine for the duration of your stay."

"Oh, and what can I possibly have in return?"

"Name it. We don't have jewels or gold, but pretty much everything else."

"Hmmm... I think I'll want your ass next."

"You could have a pet bird of prey, a spear of black steel -"


"- armor made from beast scales -"


"- a place on my council -"

"Like that'll go well."

"Hmph," He sighs and scratches the back of his head before shrugging and grinning mischievously. "Fine. But there will be no quarter in this battle."

"And I'll remember that when I stretch your royal highness."

We lock eyes, one smug grinning, arrogant challenger to another. After I loosen the last strap and pull off the harness, the game is on and Yskra tackles me to the floor. He's still hard as a rock and I easily turn the tables and throw him onto his back, slamming my excited sex onto his shaft. I clench hard as he sinks into my depths, taking him to the hilt. I grunt in satisfaction despite myself, finally finding a partner that can scratch that much needed deep itch.

He grabs my hips, his claws grazing my skin as he thrusts up into my engorged sex, excited and more than ready after being amused by our bout with Zaryl. I push down into each hump, driving his full length in and then out with a hard grip. Putting my hands on his chest, I can feel his heartbeat hard and fast, betraying what feelings lie behind that wolfish grin mask. This man wanted me since he first laid eyes on my body, and now that he's got it, I'll show him who's in charge, chieftain or not.

He let's out a surprise squawk as I lift his legs suddenly while I stand, thrusting my pelvis forward and impaling myself on him while he can't do much of anything, stuck there while I use him like a sex toy. He tolerates it for a few moments, enjoying the clearly unfamiliar position before his tail wraps around my ankles and forces them side by side so I fall. Rolling, he finds his way on top of me where we're face to face as he holds my shoulders and pumps heavy and fast, steam issuing from his nostrils. He's heavier, but that doesn't stop me from groping his butt, making him jump in fear I would try to play with his prostate.

That's all the opening I need to grab his arms and tie them together above his head, claiming my place back on top of him. He tries to resist with his tail, but I wrangle it with my free hands and he's all mine. This challenge would have been a lot easier if I just laid down for him, but where's the fun in that? He struggles and squirms as I suddenly slow the pace, teasing him while I slowly shift and turn my hips, gingerly lifting and lowering it on his throbbing shaft. It must be torture after just having set a fast tempo.

"By chance, do you wrestle?" He chuckles, still confident though a bit surprised.

"Taking people alive was a good way to get the full bounty as a mercenary," I purr, little purple embers issuing from my maw as I speak. "So yes. I learned a thing or two."

"Ever been in a situation where your strength is overmatched?"

"No. Why? Do you think you can change that, dear raptor?"

"As a matter of fact..."

Something changes in his eyes, a sudden narrowing of the pupil as his arms thickens, feathers grow, and then his form swells beneath me. Then inside of me. His dick surges in size and width, my own weight keeping it firmly inside where it spreads my vent and grinds against my cervix. I shudder, the new sensation incredible and unexpected. Caught off guard, he twists his hips and now we're on our sides as his hands break free of my tail restraint and he wraps his arms underneath my armpits to grip my shoulders, encompassing them in his massive talons.

"How did you - o-oh mmrrrrf~"

He slams his dick inside me with a rough thrust, invading past any resistance I put up and leaving the muscles loosened as his snout locks with mine in a fierce kiss. He's now a meter taller somehow, and his strength is overwhelming. The feeling makes me weak in the legs and I forget to even move for a moment, feeling his rutting leaving warm pre cum behind.

"Better?" He asks, breaking the kiss.

"Fuck. Yes. Breed my snatch, big guy. Give it to me!"

"Think you can handle it?"

I wrap my legs around his hips and grab his shoulders.

"What happened to no quarter? I've made a wyvern my bitch before, and I look forward to doing the same to you unless you pick up the pace, werebirdy!"

An almost manic look comes across his face as he widens his eyes, and that grin tightens back into almost a snarl.

"Very well, dragoness!"

Trapped between the floor and Yskra, he rams his cock inside me but with skill, like a lycanthrope with more tact. I urge him on, whispering in his ear and reminding him of all the perverted things I'll do to his rump. I singe his feathers with my breath, enjoying this hard rutting but not yet close to admitting defeat. At first, I think he means to love bite me, but instead his nose against my neck drinks in the scent, and he let's out a knowing growl.

"This isn't enough for you yet?" He questions again.

"Not. Enough. For... you to win," I breathe, starting to see a lot of appeal in his feral features and strong musk, and the more I think about it, the more I start to milk his shaft, to let him claim me just a bit easier.

"Then let me please you in a more familiar form."

I scarcely believe it when his size begins to enlarge once more, talons turning to thick claws and skin giving way to scales. Wings unfurl from his size, and he coughs out flame, radiating magical power that was hidden before but now unveiled. His shaft thickens inside my slit, plates and small spikes forming along it that scratch against my inner walls as he effortlessly flips me over with a paw. Us both on all fours, he mounts me without hesitation and his humps smash into my most sensitive places. It hurts, but it's been so long and so many partners since I've felt the raw pleasure of being pushed past my limits.

His scent fills my nose, that of another dragon. One in a rut that cannot take no for an answer, and a sun lights between my legs as my traitorous body clamps down on his draconic rod, my fluids soaking his shaft and dripping down his balls. His paw suddenly forces my head into a pillow while he redoubles his efforts, my fingers locking against the stone floor and digging small scratches through it while he ravages my sex. Moans I had been holding back burst free and I can't help but purr loudly, Yskra joining me with rough, pleasured growls and small roars.

I can feel his precum alone flooding my womb. It's his turn to taunt me, nibbling on my ear as his cock batters away any dominance left in me.

"Who's my good pet, hmm?" He huffs into my neck, nuzzling and licking along the vulnerable flesh.

"Mmmf. I-it's me..." I sigh, "For this moment."

"No. You'll want to stay here."

"N-not on your life."

"Oh really? What if I put a clutch in your belly, hmm? You want to make some hatchlings with me?"

I yelp as his knot suddenly slams through, having come out of nowhere and then pulls back out. "N-no... no, no, n- yes, yes, yes!"

"Your belly is mine, little dragon. Mine and mine alone to fill and breed with my young."

"Nnnghh," I shudder.

My legs are shaking, I can't hold myself up anymore, and before I know it, I'm climaxing again, his knot ramming in all the right places. I'm almost delirious as I feel a sudden surge of warmth, not realizing he hilted. This stud wasn't kidding. I expect a blossom of warmth but instead my womb is utterly filled in the first pulse, the second visibly swelling it a little, and then the subsequent shots stretching me even further.

"S-so much! Fucking... how much do you cum!?"

"I need my seed to take," He grunts. "There can't be any doubt after I'm done with every partner."

After a large bumb forms in my belly, his seed finally begins to leak past the knot, soaking his fluffy balls and my sex in thick, sticky semen, running down to rush warmly against my tailhole before pooling in a heady smelling puddle on the floor. Finally, his flow begins to slow, but not before he pulls out and slaps the massive tool on my stomach and marks me with several full body pulses of his essence.

"So. Was that ten minutes?" He chuckles.


"Really? Because my water clock says it was no more than five."

"Well, you better keep going then!"

"Very well..."

I make it maybe two before I wake up sometime later to a slightly cold feeling, Yskra back in his normal form just finishing painting a black womb tattoo above my vent. With a sparkling wink, he snaps his fingers and yellow sparks suffuse the mark, a strange tingling going through my sex.

"What was that?" I ask, feeling like I already know the answer.

"Your breeding rights are mine, per the deal. And, well," He snickers, holding up a lovingly made leather collar with an abundance of padding. "What's a collar at this point, my prize?"

"... It's very nice, so I'll wear it on one condition."

"Very well. What is it?"

"Put a leash on me and I'll pound your ass into the floor."

"But you'd look so cute with one!"

"I am cute in a lot of things, but I am a dragon, not a bird, Yskra. I will not tolerate humiliating treatment," I frown, crossing my arms, if a bit weakly.

"Heh. I've heard something along those lines before."

Don't you dare treat this half-breed with more respect than I receive! A voice rings through my head, that of a very peeved, older woman edged with a growl.

"The "half-breed" gave me a firm no, not attempt to bite off my head. Respect goes both ways, Vaelstra," Yskra snorts, the presence giving off a Harumph! before disappearing once more.

"Leiti, Arra, and Zaryl weren't just jesting then. You have a true dragon in your care," I note incredulously.

"How do you think I turn into one, eh? She let herself be caught and proceeded to be a terrible guest in my new palace. I cannot be so dishonored as the chief, so naturally she has joined my harem as punishment."

I feel a brief moment like Vaelstra might come surging back, but Yskra snaps his fingers and any intrusive thoughts from the dragon dissipate like fog in a storm.

"Anywho! I find you infinitely more pleasant to be around. So, let me try this another way. Will you wear this collar for me because I think it would look pretty on you?"

"Why thank you Yskra, I will. I appreciate your manners and generosity!" I smile, letting him lean forward to fasten it around my throat.

It's heavy enough I can feel it, but it's comfortable enough I will soon not notice it.

"So, if I ask nice enough about the leash..." He quips.

"It's really not about dignity. Just hold me down yourself, coward," I reply cheekily.

"There it is! You just prefer more intimate contact."

"And... so what if I do?" I fluster, caught off guard by his insight.

"Means we'll get along just fine," He smiles with a twinkle in his eye. "I have things I must attend to, but I think Zaryl would appreciate a cuddle. The dork is always asking me for one."

"As long as I get to see more of you later."

"Oh, I can promise that for certain," He says confidently, donning his loincloth before tossing me a towel to clean off with and draping another over our mess before taking his leave.

That man has some incredible vigor; I'm exhausted and he's able to just continue on his day unperturbed. I'm rather jealous of that. It takes me some time, but I manage to get myself mostly unsticky and exhaustedly roll onto my side where I can wrap my arms around Zaryl from behind. He stirs a bit and makes a soft hum as I stroke his shoulder, the two of us quickly dropping into a much-needed nap.