
He gave it a long look, then remembered he doesn't read the ancient language. "how long 'til this sandstorm passes?""planetary scans say three days. this planet has three hubs, and one is outside the storm's forecast range. no shuttle trip.

The childhood part 3

Then he taught some defense, and millenium eye began to teach me what he calls "the ancient language." "the ancient language is a language the toons invented for spell and medicene use."

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My Past, My Sins CH 2

"it was a land where the common language was not known and only the ancient language existed." "only the ancient language?" eragon asked suddenly, confused.

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Forgotten Past

/his tunic was red and golden hemmed, with black designs in it that help ancient languages, a fiery red cape falling too his calves and inside was hidden two wings, the wings small and incapable of flight, or so it seemed. fur along his back is what

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Enter Hikarume, the Elven Princess

The girl held the squirrel close to her heart and whispered words in an ancient language, "saido kono mi ni inochi o modosu." suddenly the squirrel came back to life. the girl smiled and placed the squirrel down and ran towards the castle.


[SNEAK PEEK]Jake Long's New Year

The little fox chanted and crooned, the ancient language tapping into some deep ancestral, primal understanding that jake had no choice to obey - especially when it felt as good as it did to sleepwalk along.

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The chase

Rose and reaper started speaking in the ancient language, so zack could only make out a word or two, he knew the magic language, which is somewhat the same as the ancient language.

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Sheer Dominance

As he chants silently into the otter's ear in an ancient language not heard by mortal ears in centuries, the dragon's hand began glowing a sinister red aura.

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Saphira's First

"i learned a few things from oromis that can help us in this situation" he quickly tossed off all of his clothes and started to work a spell in the ancient language. saphira's eyes grew wide as she grasped the meaning of his spell.

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Encyclopedia V2.2 (Qq - Uu)

**tal'use** an ancient language, rarely used in the present day. it is commonly used when referring to the twelve guardian deities\* as it was the primary language of that time. few can read the language let alone know how to speak the language.


Iron Epilogue

As for namtar he uses his scythe to open a portal of his own, he says some words in an ancient language which causes the opening to shift and change appearance, he takes a breath and steps through it. the end to be continued in... steel

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Trio: Chapter 1

'ah, this ancient language of mine,' he thought, reading the manuscript.

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