Anima Chapter 17

I stood alone. In the middle of the aviary, the sounds of other birds filled the air. No longer able to pick out the sounds from Benji, I listened. While the haphazard mix of bird sounds had no pattern, they did provide a relaxing white noise. I...

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Anima: The Broken Wing Chapter 1

Only two years ago, I was a freshman in college. I was beginning my life by preparing for a long future in an office career. I was ready to grow up and become an independent adult. To live independently, find my place in the world, and possibly start a...

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Anima Chapter 19

7 AM I climbed out of my bed, standing and stretching for the last time in this room. I didn't have many personal belongings in my room. Most of everything would be given back to my mother in the coming days. Everything else would be collected and...

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