Appelant les enfers

Surplombant le monde, y invoquant les Enfers Deux âmes errantes appelant Lucifer. Rejeté de tous, enfermæ sans lumière, Grâce à toi prendra fin le Règne Délétère. Car Elle est l'éclat sans lequel je suis aveugle, Il est l'insurrection, la...

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World of Flesh I: Initiation

Light bulbs swelled into fleshy growths that glowed with luciferance, water pipes beneath the floor softening into fleshy tubes pumping nutrients throughout the building, spreading corruption to the other rooms of the dorm.

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World of Flesh II: Coronation

The lights in the bathroom had become a dim blue, globes flickering with luciferant light as the living mass of the dorm spread, enveloping and changing brick and wire and tile into flesh and blood and nerve.

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