
Fat, portly, chubby, porcine, tubby and blubber butt. Those are words I hear far too often, they come from all angles at almost any time of the day or night. I wander down a street and a car speeds past me and out of the window I hear something yelled....

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The fat Dragonite

**During the day of winter, Luke stayed in his cave/home. He looked outside then, his belly grumbled.** **"I must be hungry" His belly grumbled more. "Really hungry." It was like his belly was telling him what to do. He went out putting on his poofy...

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The fat king

Once upon a time, there was an orc king. He was a good king, as orc kings go. He was also incredibly simple to please. He liked two things, and that was eating and wanking. Pillaging and causing havoc were pretty high on that list too, but not as...

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Running To Fat

# Running To Fat This was it. John growled to himself as he walked his damp, dripping body up the stairs of the frat house to his bathroom, stripping his soaked clothed into the bathtub. The lithe canine was pissed. He was breathing hard as he wrung...

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Fat Bunnies

So, Arglot, Junkfood Depository, is all about a greedy scamp who reigns over his garden and demands cadbury cream eggs from his underlings. The oppressed rablets get rolled over and squashed by Arglot if they do not comply. Welp, one day, they get the...

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The Fast and the Fat

"Ridge Racer! Ridge Racer! Ridge Racer!" "Okay, okay!" the tigress chuckled, booting up the game in question while ZX investigated the bags of food she had delivered. "Mmm! Thanks!" he said brightly, digging out a bottle of soda and big bag of his...

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I Think About Revenge Most Every Day

But no more so than will despair, than grief, than keeping silent as the fatted take, and oppress, and exploit, and gravely say that we must all try harder not to take, than wondering what it feels like to be safe, to call for help and have that help

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All-Time High S1E10

It's a fatness gym. you gain weight with exercise. allow me to demonstrate with these barbells. they look like your ordinary barbells, but they actually add fat instead of muscle when you use them.

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Typical Fairy Tail Ending

Mark pulled at the fatted foxes drumstick legs, thighs so thick they were forever pressed together, and pulled him down to the end of the bed.

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An Ode to Snakes! (A slightly Surreal Poem)

Better than cats better than bats better than polyunsaturated fats!

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Be immersed (story) (the attack)

#1 of be immersed if you want me to continue just ask o.0 okay so today i'm narrating so first im'a spend some time explaining anything but the farther i get the more i'll go fats pace and i'll explain less. so from the start~ it's a year into

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