
There is no need to balance every joy with every sorrow. If paradise is waiting it can wait until tomorrow.

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The Decaying Mall

Now that i do, things have to change, including throwing in an epigram, which was something that was actually said about a year and a half before i originally wrote this.

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The Dogs: Born For Adversity

The epigram, translated, is: "but you must not forget it. you become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed." the title comes from proverbs 17:17 -- "a friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity."

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'A Light That Never Goes Out'

At least not unless as a backbencher who spends most of the time sketching deprecating caricatures of the opposition, or making witty epigrams about the speakers." the younger wolf laughed. "probably.

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The Sparks of an Ancient Light

As the boat rounded the bend, a great and terrible prison came into view, it's imposing walls uglier than anything the spirit had ever seen, "it is a frightful indictment, and an epigram on the modern age," tristan said as his outline shifted to that of octavius

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The Sparks of an Ancient Light

As the boat rounded the bend, a great and terrible prison came into view, it's imposing walls uglier than anything the spirit had ever seen, "it is a frightful indictment, and an epigram on the modern age," tristan said as his outline shifted to that of octavius

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The Sparks of an Ancient Light

As the boat rounded the bend, a great and terrible prison came into view, it's imposing walls uglier than anything the spirit had ever seen, "it is a frightful indictment, and an epigram on the modern age," he said as justin turned his head toward the sound

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The Sparks of an Ancient Light

As the boat rounded the bend, a great and terrible prison came into view, it's imposing walls uglier than anything the spirit had ever seen, "it is a frightful indictment, and an epigram on the modern age," he said as justin turned his head toward the sound

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