the Briin Expedition 3: Migrants

Journal: J. Doom, Mission Time +32 Kiloseconds Well, it appears that my last journal was a case of "be careful what you wish (or are simply curious) for." Though, to be honest, in the aftermath of last night's encounter, I feel fantastic. I suppose...

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The Briin Expedition 6: To the White Forest

TBE 6 To the White Forest Journal: Sentient Registry 132-564 "Tan" Mission Time: +200 Kiloseconds My body may be battered to a veritable pulp at this moment (though, not literally. I'm not that much of a sadist,) but, my mind is soaring, thank you...

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The Briin Expedition 5: Under the Radar

Journal: J. Doom, Mission Time +155 Kiloseconds Damn, damn damn! I'm such an idiot! I know I swore I'd relegate these journals strictly to my own scientific findings and other...

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the Briin Expedition 4: Water Hazard

Journal: Sentient Registry 132-564 "Tan" Mission Time: +94 Kiloseconds In the end, Julia decided to leave the herd be. I guess it was outside both of our reality tunnels... it was sort of wildlife documentary meets Urotsukidoji. I'm really not sure...

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TBE 7: Ramifications

Hello again, everyone! Sorry for not delivering on more Seeker Kelly and Theia, I need to sit down and reboot the reboot. In the menatime; most of these Briin Expedition chapters have been done for a while. I'll be staggering them out over time. Also;...

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3: Calypso Exodus

She swore to protect him, but this was a foolish decision. In spite of this she'd had her own part in it. Seeker's Kin... his family, and her as well, had met in secret. His parents had been unwilling to let Seeker go alone with the contractors,...

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2: Circe?

"Another four hours, at least!" Catri yelled from the porch, barely audible through the pounding, driving rain. "We need sieve tank four open!" Seeker dropped a sandbag, which slammed down into the mud with a wet splash. He wordlessly loped off...

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1: Lotus Eaters (and the Wanderer)

Two hours to nightfall, maybe two-and-a-half. Seeker's day of foraging and listening to the songbirds was over. It was time to get the chores done for good. As he sat up, the biting spring wind shifted directions and washed over his right...

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The Briin Expedition 2: Advance Guard

Journal: J. Doom, Mission Time +32 Kiloseconds It's still about dark o'clock A.M. here on Briin. But, I can't sleep. I think I can blame planet-lag. I don't think HSO configured this body for this planet's circadean rhythm. My head actually really...

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The Briin Expedition 1: Point Insertion

Journal; J. Doom, Mission time: -2.23 kiloseconds Horizon Summit Operation has sent me on, perhaps, 20 different expeditions thus far. Each expedition has been separated by no less than 50 years and no more than 200. When I first took this job in...

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