The Gryphon's Meal

\*\*\*Warning: Soft Vore and Cruel Evil Gryphon ahead!!!\*\*\* The beauty of the summer's day was lost upon the two lovers, as each stared into the captivating depths of the others eyes. The deep hazel hew of the otters, the light sky pigment of...

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Lonely Heart

The clouds do flee before the sun, As my fears floan from mind, Your love is what I found, A red rose of spring, the greatest prize I could have ever won. At peace your love has left me, As if summer had come, The freedom of my labors...

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The Dark

It rears its head of hollow guilt, At the slightest provocation, How can I fight this morbid demon, From my heart does stir. It claws my heart and shreds my soul, To no one can I turn, Because with me the demon comes, To...

A Fox's Intuition

It had been a week since that awkward incident. Upon seeing the naked otter, Hans had apologized hurriedly, not giving the other time to explain himself, before leaving his house hurriedly. For Luna's part, he tried his best to avoid his friend, not...

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An Otter Alone

The sun shone through the open window, casting the second story room into the bright but oddly lethargic light of late summer. Birds chirped and displayed, their usual animated orchestra, dull and soft. Luna lay on his bed, the young otter's eyes...

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Allen Fen, Date the Fucking Cat (dating sim)

Name: Allen Fen Species: Rabbit Height: 5'11" Weight: 173 Lbs Fur Color: Silvery-White Ear Style: Standard Length: 7 inches Basic Description: Allen is a senior at Andrew High. The rabbit is the starting running back and received a scholarship...

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