An Otter Alone

Story by LunaLoutre1 on SoFurry

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Ya, its not that great but I got to start somewhere. My first pron story :3 I guess more 'research' will be need to improve my skills.

The sun shone through the open window, casting the second story room into the bright but oddly lethargic light of late summer. Birds chirped and displayed, their usual animated orchestra, dull and soft.

Luna lay on his bed, the young otter's eyes shut as he contemplated the passing of the seasons. Autumn would come, and he would have to return school for another 9 long, stress filled months. Then another summer and one more year and he would be gone l. Or hopefully, last year his grades had be substandard what he wished them to be. He would have to work has ass off this year, a prospect that tired him even thinking about it. Long nights in front of drab old textbooks, studying before a test; rushing to turn in projects that his absent mind almost entirely forgot about, yep, another 9 months of hell.

But Luna didn't want to think about that, even though his mind kept drifting back to it. He welcomed distractions.

Luckily for the otter boy, his room was separated from the rest of his family. He could keep it down, like he had in the showers at the camp he had been stuck at a couple years back, but it wasn't the same. It felt so much fulfilling, so much more real if he let himself. His paw moved down to caresses the inside of his thigh, his body shivering with anticipation. He loved this, the teasing and gentle touch. How much more pleasurable if it was another male, perhaps a panther, just met at a bar that had invited him home for a one night stand. He felt himself beginning to stir in his garments, not enough to put pressure his boxers but he knew it was coming. His paw moved eagerly to undo his shorts and pull them down around his ankles. His boxers quickly followed. Two round otter orbs hung below an average sheath, the fur covering both as soft as silk. Luna loved this part, a low moan escaping his lips as his paw moved to press lightly on the soft sheath. His eyes watched as his sheath slowly began to become plump and full as his member hardened. Slowly as it grew, a light pink head began to slip seamlessly from the skin. His member grew and made its way fully into the warm summer air. It was modest, not really something for the otter to brag about but neither was it something for him to be ashamed of. His six inches resembled the simple member of a canine, but noticeable lacked a knot. Luna had never been that happy with his endowment, he always thought it felt quite a bit lackluster. Whenever the otter boy chose to enjoy himself with some porn, he always looked for lion or tiger, sometimes canines and horses but the large cat members had always turned him on more. Fantasies of the large cats dominating him pushed irritatingly at his subconscious during school hours and consumed his personal enjoyment. There was just something about those barbs and there size that had captured the otters deviant imagination.

But the otter's sexual encounters had been to the extent of himself and a cold computer screen. Where he lived, a boy like him would only find rejection. Oh course he had let fantasies of the football team run rampant through his head and even had tried to figure out a scheme to become his teammates personal 'stress relief'. But they were doomed to failure.

As the otter had been lost in his thoughts, his member had lost much of its stiffness. Turning his attention back to his fading erection, Luna slowly began to stroke himself. The strokes were slow, enough to stimulate his member back to his former hard texture, but not enough to advance his excitement. Pre began to leak from the tip, coating his paw with a layer of the warm, clear liquid. A gasp escaped his lips. The smooth wrapping of his damp paws across his flesh felt so exhilarating.

The lack of a computer was a notable for Luna. Usually the otter liked to get off to something online, more often than not something involving an otter and big cat, often the otter being in some sort of subservient position. But the otter had an idea. He had seen a fox do it online, a little clip that had grabbed his attention. Otters by nature were flexible and as were this fox had needed to use a wall to prop himself against, Luna believed he could do it without the aid.

Taking a moment to shrug off his shirt that he had neglected to discard, Luna sat up. Releasing his member he licked at his paw and the pre cum the clung to it. So salty, tangy and with a hint of sweetness. He suckled on the paw for a moment, letting his flavor course over his tongue before drawing it from his mouth. His erection was stiff against his pale stomach, so inviting. It was a hard stretch, the otters hamstrings screamed in protest as he reached forward. He would have to be quick, it hurt like hell. But he was able to stretch far enough. His tongue lapped at his tip. A moan escaped the boy's lips as a been of pre spread across his tongue. So good. Clumsily the otter bent farther and slid his muzzle over his cock. Pleasure exploded all over his body at the wet, warm muzzle encasing the eager flesh. Luna had felt nothing like it. The saliva coated his member and his tongue swept around the stiff flesh massaging and tasting himself. Why had he never done this before? It was amazing. The otter's hips thrust inadvertently, and he knew he was about to cum. He couldn't hold himself back, his muzzle had been to much for the inexperienced otter. Luna gagged as the first strand of cum erupted from his over stimulated member, plastering the back of his throat. Another burst forth, filling his mouth and covering his tongue. Luna drew back, gagging as he let his member free from his mouth. A strand burst forth, covering his face and stinging one of his eyes as. He laid back. A couple more plastered his chest before his member lay still.

Hans was the football teams starting running back, an average sized yet well muscled red fox. He was quite the show off, his tight jeans and shirt reflected that, and was the high schools notorious womanizer. And yet being a near opposite of Luna in everything except sporting ability, the two were best friends. Hans made his way up the stairwell after having let himself in with a spare key Luna's family hid in case of emergencies. He had talked to Luna about playing some basketball or something at the local park with the other guys but the otter was notorious for forgetting. Hans cocked his head at the top of the landing. There was an odd sound coming from the otters room. Hans eyes narrowed in confusion, it sounded, well, he didn't know how to describe is as other than, 'wet'.

"Luna, are you all..." Hans voice trailed away as he opened the door to find the otter. He lay on his bed, completely naked, a fading erection between the otter's legs. Cum covered his chest , even some across his face. But what struck Hans the hardest was the seed that dribbled down the otters lips and how his paw was half way between his chest and muzzle, carrying a small portion of the glimmering liquid. Luna's eyes widened in horror, his mouth speechless. "Luna! What the hell are you doing!" But despite his outward discussed, there was something about the cum covered otter that made the fox's sheath twitch.