Sacrifice without Gain is pointless

As I closed the door it disappeared, phasing into the wall around it. I turned to face the room, fighting the thought that it was familiar despite the fact that I had never seen it before. I wasn't the first person here; four other otters were around...


You Ruined Me

The six Heroes burst through the door into the villain's lair, weapons at the ready. Philip, with his broadsword, shield, and holy magic took point and he shouted forth their challenge. "Come forth you fiend! We have come to stop you!" click, click,...

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The Performance of a Lifetime

The electric guitar isn't his personal, customized, work of art instrument, but It still feels natural in his hands, like it was waiting for him, waiting for this moment. The mall around him is quiet, as if it holds its breath to wait for him. Grabbing...

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